

by - Thursday, April 10, 2008


finally im back! shall make it short and get some rest!!

stayed back and helped with the banner. after painting some, i decided to slack and crapped. entertained the people who were painting. hahaa!! went home quite late..however, shiting's mummy sent me home!! thankyou!!

oh.. i was damn tired lars.. i cried early in the morning in class. BUT! i am not emo..is just that i am too stressed up by home-cuming. it's glad that i finally get to voice out how i feel!! really, i am very tired. i could not pay attention to lessons too..as i drift off damn easily. cant study too. it's not as if i do not need to take exams right? lessons were okay. went for cca... had some casualties. hahas!! had fun... shiting's mummy sent me home again.

went sport hall for kickboxing. i did not do much becos the actions was abit not good to do with a guy partner. hahahas!! EM, quite slack.. EL, went through compre and did some vocab worksheets. SS, finished venice topic. recess,went down with chaywei. no lesson after that. slacked with char..i closed my eyes awhile. cos im tired. stayed back and touch up on the banner. added some outlines... thanks joanne for helping bring the menu back. home-cuming is coming. i am nervous..HOW?! went home 6+...

seriously, i think that home-cuming this yr is abit screwed. i dont know why. i never felt so irritated before...however, i thank my friends (you noe who u are) for helping me. and i thank people who after seeing me broke down, and helped out. for those who still not contributing, i have nothing to say...becos...in the end, you will miss the feeling of planning home-cuming..as this is our last year. even if our stall do not make profit, pls dont blame me. frankly speaking, we are abit screwed up this year. and if u think the banners and deco are ugly, then RE-DO it urself. i hate people who just know how to make use of their mouths but not the hands and legs!

i hurt my left hand... damn it!
off now! eyes closing!

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