
Sunday, September 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!woke up early today. went to have breakfast with family. erjie forced me to go. how bad is she? ahahas!! uncle is willing to drive me to the airport when im leaving for HK. hahahas~ we talked about opening shop. the adults asked erjie to start on blogshops first. and erjie and i did talked about it last time. she is just waiting for to set up a blog. ya~ but i have no time...

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Saturday, September 29, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahas~ i will post tomorrow.i bought some things. im so happy!!hahahas~but now broke! hahahas~gonna save up and spend all during my holidays! ...

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Saturday, September 29, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
sorry dear! i did not blog yesterday.okays~ yesterday was soso...MT, mr ng was having some band thingy so mrs song take over. did some worksheet. checked our MT prelim results with mdm gwee. well, i got a B3. that's good! im satisfied with it cos i thought i will do badly. A1 for Olvl MT!!! i just need more confidence~:D math, got back mock paper 2. i passed! oh my~ it's like finally. mrs thang...

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Thursday, September 27, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!i think i am falling sick soon. i vomitted what i had eaten just now :(alright, just read F.T thread at soompi. jaejin is acting!! *SCREAM*so happy~ he is the first member in the group to act! hahahas~okay~ school ended at 1015..and we had poa lesson till 1115. next, we had english. many funny things were going on. we linked lots of things..hahhas! i drink water! i am drinking water! hongrui's joke! hahahas! after lesson,...

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put away~

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!oral exam was cancelled!physic, did a worksheet and mr tee went through exam matters with us. english, i got fined again. WTH~ so infuriating! hahahas~ free period next. ate with charmaine.. felt so honoured! hahahas! english again.. cos exam coming. after school, went ntuc with charmaine. hahas! she bought chocolate for me! so sweet of her~ LOVE! then, she accompanied me to the bus-stop. we joked along the way. teno teno! hahahas! home next.so idiotic!...

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F.T Island Roiworld has reached 100 000 fans!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hooray!!they have make it!!100 000 fans signing up. i wanted but cannot. cos im not a korean..i think they need security code. :(nevertheless, i feel happy for them. LIVE PERF is very near them! HWAITING!!i tell u!there are lots of September babies! hahahas~ today is chaywei, tomorrow is Dexter! dexter~ enjoy ur prezzie uh!! hahahas~school today was okay. i was feeling sleepy..didnt sleep well last night. geog, mrs wong did not come so mrs lim...

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Monday, September 24, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yes! my dear update his roiworld. hahahs~he apologised for not going online... nvm~ i wont blame u!hahahs!! he is very happy to received Shinin award on Asia Song Festival.what a cute boy! <3alright, before i go to study, let me blog. okay? i cant live without blogging a day.school was okay today. had our morning assembly in class. PE, went to sport hall and we played captain's ball. my arm was injured but not that...

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Don't Don!

Sunday, September 23, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahahas~ blog song changed!Super Junior's new album track 2.nice song!made my new spec just now. had an increase of degree. not that bad! hees~ i like the spec alot!!weehoo~daddy actually wanna buy Paris Hilton's perfume (i cant remember the edition) for me. :D however i rejected his offer. i wanna buy it myself. :D how filial am i~ LOLS!gonna sleep early today cos im waking up early tomorrow to study. Hardworking week! hahahs!weiting! u wanna...

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Sunday, September 23, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello!feeling happy now. i think im okay lers!lvl 5 laughter is back! hahahas~later having dinner with family and gonna make my spec. hees!! gonna check my eyes too.i have not study today. bad me!gonna study abit later... at least i study okay!jiayou everyone!ive forgotten...am i regretting for knowing?perhaps, i should not have put it so importantly in my life.cos it do not care... what a waste~ ...

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Saturday, September 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
just update my other blog with Asia Song Fest. pictures!take a look if u want! :Dwill upload more tomorrow!replying tags!yo people~ thanks for cheering me up. joanne and weiting, although my laughter is really scary but i will control de hors! i will make it from lvl 5 to lvl 3. hahahas~ charmaine, i know what to do. thanks gal~ all of u, i really appreciate little things like this. really thank you! jiayou for...

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Saturday, September 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
Good Afternoon!i wanna thank Super Junior!! hahahs~ why?cos their songs made me happy! i wanna tell my dear~ i will be alright after this weekend.trust me! :D i will not regret...before that, someone's bdae is coming next month. whereby, everyone is busy with exams. i know i will be counted out and will not be able to celebrate your bdae like how we celebrated each of our bdaes.hahs! i have to forget and put down..so...

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Friday, September 21, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
heys!gonna sleep after posting. did not study today.. bad gal! ahahas! gonna burn midnight oil for next week. exams are coming. guess, i wont be free at all even after eoy. cos after eoy, there's Os. after Os, i have to do hongkong thingy. no time...by the time, things are done, i am leaving for HK. :Dflights are so called confirm already. we are taking an early flight. really early okay~ and an afternoon flight...

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Friday, September 21, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
friday! hahas~sorry for being so emo yesterday. mi an hae!thanks to those who cheer me up and support me. love!thanks sarah and ben for telling me what should i do. :Di really appreciate it.school today was fine. i hit sherman cos it's his bdae! hahahas~ happy bdae!spent mother tongue lesson talking. hahas~ math, went through corrections. blah blah~ english test.... had poa lesson at 2.30pm. went home with felicia after that.tmr!!! Asia Song Festival. not...

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Thursday, September 20, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
i think some of my classmates realise that im was moody in the morning. yups~ indeed i was.i was fretting on some things which i do not know what should i do. wasnt really focusing today. poa was worst. i was cold towards chaywei... she talked to me and i answered back with either a smile or just a word. back to class after poa, did joke abit but back to moody state again. did...

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yo dear~just woke up from my afternoon nap. hahahas~ it's been quite a long time since i had my afternoon nap. :Dschool was okay today except after recess. there was time the class gets so serious in listening. everyone was quiet. physic, gotten back our test. i passed but not a good pass. hahahas!! so nothing to be proud of. english, did some group work again. and we were talking about having chalet. have to...

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Long Day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
dear!dislike tuesday. cos i have lessons till 5pm. hahhas~ i cant remember what i did for the forst period. i was having cramps today. my stomach still hurts now D: math prelim was badly done. hahas!! must do extremely well for Os now. however, mock exam i still fail. sad! i didnt go down for recess cos im not feeling well. mrs raj said she's not our form teacher next yr :( went for lunch...

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Monday, September 17, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo! im here!yesterday, the whole family was at home. so mummy was talking to sister that daddy and her may be going to the US to find my uncle. my sis said to bring her go and i also wanna go. my sis and i shared the same thinking. we wanna leave this country and go somewhere else to study and live. most importantly, we both hate the atmosphere here. sis said something funny, here...

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Sunday, September 16, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
i have Syndrome (a magazine) June's copy.there are groups like SS501, Super Junior - T, Big Bang, Battle etc.it comes with posters too.posters are SS501 and Suju - T. and to tell u that i have 6 of them with each member. means example, Kim hyun Joong and LeeTeuk is one poster. only Shindong's is alone with an actor. so if u are interested please tag and tell me!Price for it,- Magazine with Posters $25-...

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Sunday, September 16, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!!so tired. my eye recovered already. no worries! hahahas!! i am doing my SS revision! WOW~ well, left about 2 weeks to exams. i cannot waste anymore time. guess~ im not stressing myself hard bahs. i have more to do. have to focus on my math, make sure i improve and still other subjects. i think im going crazy soon. hahas! never mind... 22 sept shall brighten up my life! hahahas~ cos! TVXQ, SUJU and...

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Saturday, September 15, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!here again.doing math now. taking a break~ just a moment ago, while i was doing my math, i heard a loud 'BANG'.. i stopped doing and went out to look what is going on. daddy open the gate and checked so do my neighbour. then, uncle said isit the tyre of his bicycle. hahas~ and really it's his! hahahas~ all of us started laughing. we thought there was an accident. hahahs!! okays~ i uploaded happy...

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Saturday, September 15, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
good afternoon!my right eye is swollen. oh dear~ hahas!!alright, i dont know what to say. hahas!! so i shall sign off here. hahas!!gonna do homework.. ...

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Friday, September 14, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hees! im back from school! wee~im still having headache. : dont like~ hahahas! mother tongue, did compo and i handed in :) math, gotten back our mock test. did not passed :( english, i slept quite long and VP was standing at the back door looking. hehs~ i didnt mean it :p recess, ate nasi lemak again. hahaah! went back to class for lessons. SS, did source-based. i took kiki and played with it. hahahas~...

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Thursday, September 13, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
im having a bad headache again! sucks man!lessons today were alright. physic was boring. hahas! poa, did test. i may fail. math, whatever mrs thang said are true. at this stage i will never get the result i want. im scared! kampong and asri told me to give myself confidence..i tried but fear overcome it. i wanna be smart, can i? i feel like crying out loud now. im really really stress!!! i studied, i...

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oh my!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my house was shaking just now. how scary! i was alone at home!! called mummy, almost cry!hahahs!!school today was fun! can say that~ physics, we had a surprise test! WTH~ should be a fail test. hahahas!! english, had presentation... everyone was asking questions. hahahas!! free period next. did some geog notes! im so guai! hahaas~ CME, we continued our presentation. then, did abit of CME. after school, went to PS to watch Naraka 19 with...

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!waiting for joanne to send me the powerpoint. hahas!watching Happy Shares just now. Hongki is cute lars!! gonna continue when im free. :)oh ya, chaywei and i met an idiotic man in the bus just now. LOLS! we saw an empty place and so i walked towards it. then there was this man, i thought he was alighting so i let him passed. in the end!!! he changed his seat to the one we wanted...

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
i am not feeling well now. feel like vomiting. hahas!school today was fine. rained in the morning. mdm liew came to observe our geog lesson today. english, teacher was not here :D e-math, same old thing. recess, ate nasi lemak. hahahs!! SS, did source based. i get 9/11 for the last piece of work.:D chem, revision again. MT, did nothing but talking. POA, did nothing too, they were going through prelim paper. break, ate outside...

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Monday, September 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!yup! today is the first day of term 4. i almost could not wake up on time. hahahas!! finally get to see GFs. i looked at audrey and asked, 'why are you so happy?' she replied, ' i almost got hit by a taxi!' then i was like.. uh? u almost get into an accident and you are happy? hahahas!! this was a joke! first period, PE!!! played captain's ball. our class against 411. so...

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Sunday, September 09, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello!!my sub-blog is up!please link by using the sig on the middle column. scroll down u will a ligh blue sig... pls upload it with your own prog. thanks! click it and u will be transfer to that blog! pls support.. thanks!:Dnext, caps from inkigayo and Artist of the Month! ...

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Sunday, September 09, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hehe!!annyoung!i might set to give permission to some people to view my blog for a moment. i will change back once everything is fine. hahaas! DBG peeps! if u happen to read this, pls tell me ur e-mail add on MSN so that i can permit u. 409~ pls use our class user and PW. for thos who doesnt have a blog, meanwhile, u can visit my sub-blog. :D once everything is back to normal,...

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Saturday, September 08, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung dear!alright! i was doing my sub-blog. it's done!hahahas!! i think gonna post tomorrow. i will giv the link tomorrow okay?hmm.. i had a though just now but decided to stay put. hahas~ i dont enjoy playing Hide&Seek.hahas! 光明正大 is the best. <3hmm.. artist of the month right? F.T Island will be the 1st on my new blog! cos they are artist of the month! :Dalright! and and! Hongki on Happy Share! i missed quarter...

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SHOW! Music Core!

Saturday, September 08, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
not really good quality~wonder girls new member~ the one who replace HyunABig Bang 1st place!F.T Island - Cheon Dong, 3rd place!F.T Island - Love Sick, 5th place!shin hye sung perf!Wonder Girls - Comeback!tell me!Big Bang!T.O.Pcredit: http://su-a-sings.blogspot.com (NunA. Products) ...

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Saturday, September 08, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello...gonna do my homework lers..holidays are ending and i still have lots to do. siian!hahas! exams are coming. i must not waste anymore time. gonna come up with a time-table.go according to schedule. i know i can do it! so, monday onwards, i shall say bye to my hubbies. hahas!! i can only check updates for an hour and start my work. hmm! promise! i will blog at night only. shall strive hard to show...

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Friday, September 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
okays.. i just feels like naming this entry 'idiot'. ahahas!cos i like it! yeah!this post will be abit idiotic. ahahs!as if i care. go on with what u want! i dont give a damn.i wanna tell my dear that im enjoying my holidays. although there are lots of work. hhahas!!becos of u! hah! u are not in my life. so~ shoo! dont come near to me cos i will just whack u like how i...

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Friday, September 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahas!!lucky i saw my tag board. if not i wouldnt know that liping was looking for me.i realised something u had done for someone, doesnt mean that they have to repay u. 助人为快乐之本(not sure isit written like this)~ i helped them willingly. actually, they might not need my help in the first place. however, i chose to help. remember, i want everyone to laugh like me :Dand, i've also thought that somethings are just not...

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Thursday, September 06, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hehe!!i failed to finish my math paper. hahaas!!nevermind i will do alot tomorrow.im listening to SBS Radio right now!!Big Bang! G-Dragon~ hahahas!!cyas! ...

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Thursday, September 06, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
KOREAN1. Artist: WheesungAlbum: Vol.5 Eternal Essence Of MusicRelease date: September 42.Artist: Drunken TigerAlbum: Vol.7 - Sky Is The Limit Release date: Septenber 53.Artist: Baek Ji YoungAlbum: Vol.6 - The Sixth Miracle Release date: September 74.Artist: Brown Eyed GirlsAlbum: Vol. 2 - Leave Ms. Kim Release date: September 6CHINESE1.Artist: Fan Wei QiAlbum: Philosopher Release date: September 3JAPANESE1.Artist: ArashiSingle: HappinessRelease date: September 52.Artist: AyakaSingle: Clap & Love/Why Release date: September 53.Artist: Soul'd OutSingle: Megalopolis Patrol Release date:...

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Thursday, September 06, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hehe!!im here again.went out with mummy for breakfast. met aunt... xianfei and anjing was there. anjing was cute! she kept staring at my food. she played with my handphone pouch and she tried to make magic. hahahs!! so cute!! as for xianfei, he's still as playful. he almost sent a msg to rongyi and mummy. oh my~ lucky dont have. hahahas!! went home after that. finally, the dance is up! hahahas!! left Me and You....

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
dear!finally get to touch u! hahahs!!sounds wrong...woke up at 9+ cos i suddenly think of some steps. used the com.. met weiting and went J8 together. bought movie tickets adn went mac to have ice-cream. chit chat while waiting for joanne. she's slow! oops! hahahas~ after joanne came, went NTUC to buy tibits. alaf-ing around there. hahahas!!! saw chaywei and claris... we lost them somehow. hahahas!! proceeded into the theatre. watched 1408. okay lars~ not...

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hey reginald!i hope you read this.firstly, everyone has the responsibilty of looking the hamster.secondly, your duty of taking care the hamster had passed and someone actually helped you. you should be thankful.thirdly, since you missed/forget your duty, so now it;s your turn.dont say things like i cant. so what if u cant, u should tell us or get someone to help u before time. you told us at the last minute, it's really impossible. so...

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tiring~ a day of sweat!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahahs~ my dear!i went to school in the morning today for the HK thingy. well, we spent lots of time thinking of what song to use. while the rest are practising, i went next door to learn myself. hope to come up with new things. after that, i performed for them to see. hahahas!! however, we still cannot come out with a decision. weiting bought back my breakfast. sat down... so all the chatting and...

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Monday, September 03, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hehe!!holidays = no fun!i have five years of math papers to do. meet up with classmates for HK thingy. these will all take up most of my holidays. i wanna go out!! GFs have dates but i dont have.. never mind, worst come to worst, i shall rot at home for a week and do everything..bored, just watch videos. damn tvants.. the link for KMTV and Mnet still not up. my holiday is finish. boring...

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Boyfriend! PART 2

Monday, September 03, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
as promise... part 3 and 4 will be up later!credits: my daily ...

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Sunday, September 02, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
they won the 'World's Most Beautiful Lips' cool right?hahahas~credits: joynews 24they are more coming tomorrow!! ...

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Sunday, September 02, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
*NOTE*caps are of not good qualities..=D it's my first time.. cos tvants dont allow me to print screen properly. so i snap it with my camera!F.T IslandBig BangKim Dong Wancongrats to Kim Dong Wan!!credits: NunA.Products http://su-a-sings.blogspot.com ...

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Sunday, September 02, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
if u had notice, I've change my blog skin yesterday! hahas~how do u find it? nice right?hahahas~im watching inki gayo now. F.T Island!! i saw big bang!hees!! but can someone teach how to print screen from tvants? please~brb later~ ...

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Saturday, September 01, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
ytd, 070831i woke up early to finish up what i havent for teachers. hahhas~ went to school like a zombie. school was okay.. except we still have lessons. during recess, went to find GFs. suddenly, momo asked me about korean thingy. and the both of us went HIGH! when she asked, u know TVXQ..scream! super junior!!!..we know all of them. the latest, Big Bang, SNSD and F.T Island!!! hahahas! we all know. hahahas!!! really happy...

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