
by - Sunday, March 04, 2007


hasnt been updating lately.. cos of homeworks and tests. =(

emaths olevel will be on October and chinese will be on Nov. but but...no time to slack. mrs thang is finishing the syllabus and going on with revision so i have to clear every doubts on maths asap so that i can go on smoothly. it's really quite stress to be in my class as most of them are really good at their work. i always has this feeling that i might be in the last position in the class. hahahas~ shouldnt be thinking in this way.

stayed back for CCA. liping and i went to the sport hall to watch vball match. our sch won~ hahhas!! both of us have nothing to do and happened to know that there is vball match so we spent our time there. saw zisheng~ after the match, went canteen for ice-cream. met fiona~ saw the 3 of us sat down and chatted. fiona left, liping and i continued. hahahas~ nice chatting session! find peggie and audrey. chatted with mrs tan. LOLS!! so funny lars~ all of us have the same thoughts. ^5~ hope school change for the better...getting worst if you realise.
went home, bathe. and headed to erjie's house. steamboat again.. gaining weight!! played mahjong without money cos erjie was learning. hhahas~ went home ard 1am.

woke up at noon. hahahas~ GOOD!! at least my tiredness of a week is clear abit. peggie asked me out to CP. met her at 3pm. went popular to get out stuffs. then walked ard.. bought some tibits n food.. AND.. home!
did my homework. gonna seek help from mrs tan on monday. dinner time~ wow!! hope manchester win the match!! =D started on y chemistry notes. gonna copy last year notes to an excercise book cos i find it easier to study than writing it on paper..while my paper can go everywhere.. hahahas!! i finished 4 chapters in an hour. i find myself great!! hahahas~ never been so hardworking before. motivation and focus! yes!! i will... time management. it helps alot!

rahh~ SS common test and POA test on monday. scary~ hope i can do it!!! ;)

You cannot force ideas. Successful ideas are the result of slow growth. Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them. ~ Alexander Graham Bell

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