
by - Wednesday, March 14, 2007


finally today will be the last day im going back to school for lesson. hees~ but no rest for me. i have plan my time. everyday i must at least finish 2 sets of holiday homework. so today i will be doing english..cos english has a lot. hahahs~ tmr will be doing math tys. hees~ and also gonna play badminton with GFs. hahahas~ frankly speaking, im not eager to play but since GFs are excited and have the urge to play, i shall join in the fun!! =) i have a bad sore throat now. rahh~

ohya... i love GFs!!! thanks for encouraging me!!! love u guys!

thur going jb with erjie. yes! again! gonna shop for things i like!!! bag!!! lalala~

changed background song!!
Shinhwa's Junjin & Linda - Forever.
sweet song!!!

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