
by - Wednesday, March 21, 2007


english, mrs ho didnt scold chay wei and me for not bringing our worksheets =D poa, so far so good. i understand the topic. practice helps.. hehs!! math, just as i step into class, mrs thang said, " xue'e, another one.. standard dropping." yups..what she said is true.. my standard really drops drastically. it's a shock..to me. ahahas~ recess, queued very long. had a little chat with renyi. chemistry, wasnt really paying attention. kept talking to chaywei..and attracted to our hamsters. hahahas~ cuties!! chinese, nothing much actually. physics, mr tee didnt really gave us heavy work. he just going through questions in TYS cos most of us looked tired. test next friday. geog test tmr... after lesson, looked for GFs. liping and rongyi accompanied me to lunch. went back class.. trying to take a nap but cant. so chatted with all of them. weichong damn funny alright?? hahahas~ i think he's too tired..that's why. hahahas~ home next. mummy's friends came. didnt really care about them cos im watching tv. hehs!! paiseh~ but one of mummy's friends bought bread for me. thanks!

heard from mummy that mrs thang called her. hmm, wanna thank mrs thang for having so much confidence in me. i will try my best to strive for good results.

changing blog song later on to NEWS - Best Friend.
NEWS is a group from Johnny's Entertainment. so far, i only know YamaPi (nickname). i spotted him on Nobuta Wo Produce with Kamenashi. another cute guy~
shall put up more news on them next time...

believe in yourself..

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