
by - Thursday, March 29, 2007

just done with my work. hahahas~

im well today except the giddiness that gave me some problem. hahahs~ i failed my transformation test.. expected lars~ mrs thang said my standard dropping.. and it's not the first time she had say.. hahahas!! i must score well in my mid-yr exams. rahh~ i want to prove that i can hit my target. but not giving myself high expectations..i scare i will fall. hehs~ i have to really buck up lars. hais~ revision starts soon. blehs~ another test which i failed was geog! WTH~ hahahas!! i scored well for the 8 marks question but no full marks lars. hehs~ i need my humanities to pass!!! we didnt have CME today instead we were discussing about our home-cuming. my class is united.. we gave lots of suggestions. hahahas~ as for class tee, only the brands..hahahas!! i find them cute lars!!

finally, my house is alive with chocolates!!!

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