
by - Wednesday, March 07, 2007


can u imagine i cried cos of stress in school today?? and i just broke down when telling GFs... so paiseh alrite.. shall hide my face. hahahs~

i dont know lars. actually i feel like crying when i was doing my math test. i dont want to repeat another year.. you know, the fear in me now?? is getting worst everyday and i get so uptight about everything (school work). so wanna get good marks so that at the end of this year, teachers will promote me. i really feel remorse after repeating 1 more year. i dont wish to let history repeat.

so sorry readers~ i know recently my entries are all on my school work. but i really feeling very depressed these days. when my friend, kelly tan, saw me and asked me why am i looking so stress. i was like.. ohmy~ even friends could see it. i failed almost every recent tests ive took. seeing people getting good results and me getting worst. so afraid that teacher will ask me to take my nlvl and for your info, nlvl registration is over. hais~

nvm~ mummy asked me to work extremely hard and i will. i am starting my own revision and going to find teachers for extra lesson. sorry to those who i had give my attitude or vent my frastration on... so sorry~ i didnt mean it but i am really stress out.

so readers~ pls wait for my happy post. i hope it will be soon. hehs~
oh ya, latest news have already been posted.
hope DBSG come SG this year.. old wish again.. but still hoping.
silly me~

end here~

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