
by - Tuesday, March 20, 2007


alrite... not really a good start of new school term for me~ WHY?

i didnt sleep well last night..kept woke up. emath test, not all questions done. i lose confidence in myself already. so i think i better seek for help before it's too late. chinese test made me happy. i scored 30/50, not the mock exam, is class test. social studies, the common test. shall not say about that. GFs know how much i get. it's pathetic.. im the "HIGHEST" in class. yah~ poa, distinction for my partnership test. hope to maintain my grades. hais~ guess im gonna brish up on social studies and emath. i dont want to repeat lars!!! darn~

oh ya, mr yeo is BACK!!! hooray~ at least one more person to save our school!!! right?
in retrospect, our school changed alot. to WORST okay?? i prefer my time... hahahas~ agree? well, it doesnt matter. just hope some people will be more respectful and stop being so proud. yah? ara?

and, about changing my blog. i will try to start this weekends. firstly, new skin. then, organising, etc. wanna thanks TVXQ SFC's TIAN TIAN. yups, will credit what ever ive taken. and also boys_paper. now shall seek for one or two more forums for help. partnership~ hahahas!!


- fiona: ive told u b4.. i tink u nva hear it properly. rmb at KFC?
- pooty: good! actualli gonna tell u soon.. ya... i will link u tmr?
- claris: u too, the same.. link u tmr~
- peggie: M.E.O.W!!!

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