
by - Friday, September 01, 2006

tday, went to sch fer tchers' day celebration. due to the bad weather, sec1-3 was sent to the hall fer aces day. was sent dwn to the general office fer nt sitting with my class..WTH~ stood dere fer 20 min? den was sent back to class...mrs lim din cum in fer lesson so wilson. ragu and i decided to go find the tchers and gaiv dem their flowers..LOLS!! ragu was so funny. recess, met gfs.went to the hall..i liked the tchers' skit.funny~ 'pin up ur curly hair' wakakaka~ aft celebration, waited fer gfs at the toilet. dey took a long time to cum..was actually pissed fer waiting..hehs~went CP with rongyi..had our lunch. walked ard..went comics connection..saw DBSG!! i want to get that magazine but i tink it's nt worth lars..LOL~ nvm..shinhwa cuming!! can i go to the airport to see dem??

damn it..
to me, u are the 3rd party. u caused their frenship to change..dn u tink im rite? althou it's none of my business but... it's so sad dat a gal hu nva got troubled by this kinda thingy suddenly told me these. i feel so sry fer her that i cant hlp much. by my point of view, u are extra..u find us whenever u wan and ps us whenever u wan again..we din even blame u fer dat. yet u are doin these things to ur frens hu nva even harmed u or close to u..u are simply selfish. spoiling their relationships jus liddat. do ever tink of her feelings? i dn tink so..cos u do things dat benefits onli u..u wouldnt care others~ wad a fren....hais!!

holidays are here..yeah!! time-table fer EOY was distributed ytd..i shall start planning my time-table fer revision during the holidays..and oso~ new blog skin will be up during holidays too..hmm~ but i haven even started..so stay tune.
as fer the updates, will do it tmr..sry fer delaying!! =p

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