

by - Sunday, September 17, 2006

many problems dis few daes. angry, sad, disappointed, happy. everything.

the problem. i din tink dat i dn have fault and ive apologised. it's all up to dem to accept. althou some said i'm nt in the fault. i have give in. i dont expect anything. dat incident let me see the true colours of human. pple do things differently to wad dey said. im one of dem but nt in other way. mayb i shld give dem time to accept my apology. dey said i apologised unwillingly. so here am i to clarify: im a stubborn girl. when i tink it's nt my fault, i wouldnt say sorry. but when i said sorry it means really sorry. even thou the way i said is so unwilling.
isit clear now.? i tinkit's clear cos i noe dey would read it.
in dat incident, some of dem are nt invovle.but i have no idea why dey hated me.i noe it's becos of my blog. i closed dwn my blog nt becos of dem but it's to prevent troubles. after so many readers told me nt to, i decided to give my blog a new life. i really have no idea why dey hate me? i mean those not invovle...i believe i did not do anything to dem. so it's nt my fault.

i really have no idea why i have to encounter dis kinda thing in my life. i feel so childish and silly. true colours. ya. appearance of humans are different. but all of dem have a heart. it's the matter of dem to whether change the sight of life. some becum evil becos of wanting to win, hurt pple. i have no idea. some stays healthy by tinking of the good.

ya. i agree. whether my entry is saying about any readers, i have clear conscience with wad i write. so frm today onwards, wadeva i write is my point of view, my feelings, my life. not any one of u. i hope readers who read my entries, dont be so sensitive. some times it's not tokin about u. if u tink im tokin about u.dats means it's true. i write wad ive heard.whether it's one side/two side of the story. clear? tink so..hahahas~

ytd, 150906
oh ya.. my seating place in class changed. i find dat i could be able to study well. dn noe~ hahahas.. cried in sch ytd.twice some more.WTH~ so emo dis few daes. thankies pple hu comfort me..esp the 408's gals..so nice of dem.i noe i shocked some of dem..hehs~ paiseh..went to eat roti prata with rongyi, gud ba, jac, jeremy tee, weiqiang and hongyuan aft sch. went back to sch. joke ard. hahaahs~ we took a long time to go back to class. so funny~ met many obstacles.LOLS~ JOURNEY TO THE WEST. im the monk, jtee the sandy, weiqiang the monkey and rongyi the piggy.LOLS~ so funny!! went home then.my dae..
goin out to study lata..with rongyi,yuemin and wilson..cyas!!

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