
by - Saturday, September 30, 2006

a bad day for me!!

still, im so tired. Chinese, same.Chem, mrs raj saw me and the 1st thing she said was askin me not to give up on my chem..hahahas~English, mdm yurni goin thru the letter writing which we did in grps last time. Recess, with gfs. ice-cream was distributed. din eat. checked my index number and sitting arrangement. quite confused..hahaa~Maths..CA marks, did quite okies..satisfied! but can be better~mr lee oso told us dat 4 students were selected fer the direct admission to take our Olvl..i was one of dem. dn feel anything..cos it's nt confirmed. went home aft sch. rest qwhile and back to sch..couldnt find mr lee so did my own work 1st.waited fer gfs..dey took a long time lars.went out to look fer dem at coffee shop..dey were eatin den back sch. i saw mr lee and looked fer him.clear my doubts. find gfs and heard VP wants dem to be out of sch cos of their outfit. DOTS~and wasted lotsa time..wasting my time too..

kies lars..frankly speaking, i agreed with wad mr tham said..we are nt in a small grp and conducting lesson at public places is abit overbroad. we will definitely create a commotion and disturb others.
secondly, actually sch is not allow to wear liddat. nt blaming u all but telling truth. pple will learn and follow. i tink u all are at fault..cos sch is a place to learn and study. not a place dat we can do anything we like. i tink the staffs can close one eye in some things but nt everything..aint i rite? so gfs~dn do it again..

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