THIS IS A SPECIAL POST [ content may be a little sensitive]okiies~rongyi told me dat today. i tink everyone should she will tell me everything.kays~i understand some times frens of her couldnt stand her actions. honestly, i feel dat too. but i try to give in cos this is RONGYI. althou i know picking dat place makes u pissed off cos it's inconvenient fer you. but u should know majority live near dat place.of cos,...
a bad day for me!!still, im so tired. Chinese, same.Chem, mrs raj saw me and the 1st thing she said was askin me not to give up on my chem..hahahas~English, mdm yurni goin thru the letter writing which we did in grps last time. Recess, with gfs. ice-cream was distributed. din eat. checked my index number and sitting arrangement. quite confused..hahaa~Maths..CA marks, did quite okies..satisfied! but can be better~mr lee oso told us dat 4...
yayaya!!!DBSG's #rd Album is OUT today!!!TODAY!!! ive waited so long!! will change my BG music thie weekend to their songs!!hhaahahs~!!DBSG!!-------------------------------------------------------------and ya..wanna thankies..Angela Yap Xue Qi for buying dinner and bubble tea fer me today!!<3333333333fer ur info, Angela is my sister!! biological sister!!hahahas! ...
hehe~jus finished one chap of maths..oh gosh~i have lotsa questions..finding mr lee tmr~im so tired today but i onli rest when i hav time..hahahas~maths, lee's getting old lars~hahaas!! kept giving wrong questions..hais~georg, mrs lim let us do our own revision..started on my tourism.hmm~no questions..except IR. and memorising. Chinese, going thru compo..recess, quite moody still.i ate veh sorry gfs~no one offended me is jus im too tired and dn wished to tok much. english,...
heys!how's everyone today? fine?well, i do feel alrite this morning. but when it's my 1st period, my mood changed 50%. we did nt have PE today cos of the weather. stayed in class and revised on my POA test. a no confidence test. was tinking alot during dat 1 hr. pple, problems and exams. moodswing was terrible. i can play fer awhile and get serious althou i noe it was a joke..wad's goin on with...
life has to go on... i shall move on. shall be free frm everything. tinking all abt my studies..nt to tink of anything else. those words i saw, tells me so. it's jus my wishful thinking. give me sometime to move on..lately, dere's too much happening ard me. time will dissolve everything and i'll 4get. at least, he's beta than u...but yet my heart walks towards u.. and i tink it's a wrong path.readers and...
CHANGES!-> EVENTS&UPDATES-> BG Music.Zhang Li Yi - WHY. from her 1st album. new SM singer. BoA, Kangta and DBSG's junior~was rumoured as 2nd BoA. ...
hellos!!back fer quite awhile.met up with rongyi, sinmei, fiona and brian to study.. same place. yoshinoya at CP. did my maths.brain nt wrking veh well.. stopped studying ard 6.30pm? went popular cos sinmei wanna buy something. took 119 with rongyi..she went home and i headed to kovan mac to look fer daud to study..reached dere, saw onli brandon and samuel den kelly and yuemin back. got a call frm gavin askin me to buy drinks...
hellos!!Chinese, practised on complain letter. Chem, revision. English, compre test. recess, gfs time!! tok to sab abt something..haha!! contract done! maths, did some questions. mr lee was stucked at a question fer 20 mins!!! hahahas~ went home with peg and liping. rest awhile, back to sch..jus in time..hahahas~ mr tham started his physics. asked hime some questions..clear doubts. den our study time..night study! fun~ had prawn mee fer dinner!! yum yum!! went home at 8pm....
back back!!Chinese, gt back test. 28/50. gonna get scolding frm mummy.English, last oral practice. did it with joy..char was sleeping. POA, test fer tmr was postponed. shit lars~ my accrued expense still not good. hais~exams ard the corner..1 more week~recess, was released late but met fiona at the rice stall.hahahas~went back to class. CME~ screamed! cos i saw my tcher~hahahas!! feel asleep then. tcher kept waking me up but i continued. physics, mr tee gave...
yoyo!!free for tmr~hahahas!! rest a tired. i cant stand it. hahahas~ here so sleepy there absorbing all the accounts!! bleh~cant even shut my eyes fer awhile. maths~ mr lee setted some work. have to hardwrking~hahahas!!! english, tried to be attentive and trying out the oral practice given.. but at last, i dozed off. woke up and went for recess. mingwei is a nice guy. hahahas~then, everyone started to hit each other butts!!...
a long day fer me exasperated. P.E, frisbie again! hahhas~ but today was fun. i cant jog. mr tay said i HIAO!! he even caused me to fall dwn..hahahas~ and even knocked me head..rahh~POA, new topic.sians~ i cant coop it. English, read newspaper..den oral practice..recess, strangled rongyi with my pe shirt..wahaha~ so funny lars. maths, mr lee. hahahas~ new topic too. assembly, play on water conservation. din watch much cos mr siming kept disturbing...
back from hospital.grandma cant regconised sad..she's totally different now.hais~ this is life.------------------------------------------------------------------------------i still nid time. but better abit alr~jus keep myself busy and i will forget. i noe it's not a gud way. at least better than i keep tinking abt it rite? make myself more painful. i should listen to my fren. hmm~ let time sovle the problem. the onli thing i nid to do now is study. busy~ EOY's cuming..scared. end here.-------------------------------ive...
NEWS!-> DBSG's Thailand- Be My Chocolate Concert!DBSG held their concert at Thailand on 150906. Changmin sprained his abkle during rehersals. So the mask man appeared again to replace changmin during Rising Sun. the stage and clothing were the same as previous concerts. onli thing dat changed was their hair!! changmin and jaejoong had their hair dyed. Micky extended his hair. Junsu combed up his fringe. Yunho, i dn noe how to describe.-> DBSG gonna release...
BACK!went to meet rongyi and sinmei at CP to study. went yoshinoya as other places were full house. an hour later, yuemin and wilson came to join us..hahahas~another hour, the 3 of us left. sinmei and rongyi came to my place first. dressed up den headed to J8. we waited fer 156 damn long. phew~when we reached J8, sweety left. DOTS! so we went popular to buy pens. dined at food court. sinmei and rongyi...
Sunday, September 17, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
many problems dis few daes. angry, sad, disappointed, happy. everything.the problem. i din tink dat i dn have fault and ive apologised. it's all up to dem to accept. althou some said i'm nt in the fault. i have give in. i dont expect anything. dat incident let me see the true colours of human. pple do things differently to wad dey said. im one of dem but nt in other way. mayb i shld...
back!okies.. im still considering lars..but ya.. wil make up my mind tonite.firstly, i really do hope readers read if im continuing blogging. cos some says im a faker but im nt. im jus doing things i like. not gaining sympathy frm others. nono~ im nt. cos im nt dat kinda of person. haaas~ alrite..will say everything clear and loud when ive come to a conclusion..-> Gud NA~ considering.. ...
im back not blogging but replying msges and polling..MESSAGES!-> To ah zhi: hahahas~ thankies gal.ya~i ever thot of it. but im jus giving in to those readers. but i tink it's unfair to me. shall nt say so much. i really aprreciate wad u said gal~ thks! <333-> To elaine: actually i tag at wrong blog lars..hahahas~thks too! im still considering.. ;]-> To sarah: deary~ i will. thks!-> To pooty: hahahas~i noe..i try nt to.->...
i noe lot of you dont wan me to close dwn my blog..seriously, i really like blogging. but as long as pple hu hate me are make dem happy is to close dwn my bloggie. this wun create any more trouble fer me. replied all tags..can continue leaving messages..i will reply. thankies veh much~NEWS!->BoA will come back to Korea as an actress, not a singer. She is now trying to make a final decision...
hellos everyone!! i have an important news to make we go~sorry to my dear readers. i gonna close dwn my bloggie. today will be the last day. so this shall be the last entry. really sorry lars~ i noe my blogskin is jus up and now im closing dwn but i will leave my blog here. readers can leave message and i may consider replying.some of you may be wondering why of sudden i...
hellos!sch tday was alrite except dat i was sleepy. gt back eng test. i passed.23/30..well done? hahas~slept immediately aft doing my corrections. dat lady woke me up. i ignored and went back to slp.den she shouted my name. damn her can? i was soundly asleep alr~yet she woke me up. i din made any noise by slpin rite..WTH~when we tok,she asked to shut up.when we slp, she wake us up. wad she wan? dots lars..crazy...
hasnt been blogging fer a long time. i lazy to blog and was busy with the new skin..hehs!!finally it's up! new skin..MICKEY!! my favourite!!sch had it's time to study and revision. ive planned my time-table.shld start ytd but i was unwell. im rather moodless rite nw. dn wanna blog so grandma was hospitalised. mummy cried this few daes.. how i wish i could be able to hlp her. im stil young. it affects...
yo!lazy to blog this few daes...mon,040906sab called me. bathe and changed, met rongyi, sab and fiona at CP fer lunch. walked ard..den decided to go sab hse..nva visit ah ma fer a long time..LOLS!! mad ard..hahahas~ den i decided to demo the statues on the shelf.. rongyi and fiona burst into laughter..den fiona demo too..soon, the 4 of us started to demo each of the statues as dere were 4 of dem too.LOLS!! wth~todae went...
HELLO!!back fer the pics!!excited??wahahaha~let me introduce~this was the Japanese Restuarant dat we had our lunch at.... nice ambience..isnt it? (:my er jie....LOLS~!! she's funny!!US! the YEAP!! hahaas~ she insisted for this..LOLS!!oops!! wth~ shot taken by alvin kor kor..dots!! hahas!!yummy!! liddat oso happy~ hahahas~ dn understand..last but nt least,wad a sumptuous dish!! it's alvin kor kor's...nice?okiies...the end.i lazy to shot the things i bought..hehs!! ...
alrite..i shall blog now..ytd, 020906woke up at 8am. bathe, drank a cup of milo and went out to meet er jie and alvin kor kor. dey were late. took 161 to woodlands den 950 to JB. we were stucked at the malaysia custom fer half an was so crowded and yet someone farted..omg~so fragant ya? LOLS!! i hate dat couple. fuk dat lady..she asked her husband to cut our queue..initially, her husband dn wan...
260806 went out with fiona, rongyi,ying qi and xinyi..went bugis..fiona bought her bag..den met peggie and audrey at marina sq..shopped ard. dined at Kopitiam.tha korean food dere is nice!! yum yum...todaemet sabrina and rongyi outside sch. headed to j8..b4 dat, saw mr singh..hahas~ asked him whether he nids hlp..lunch at KFC. waited fer sab's fren..she took a long time to cum..den we walked ard..saw this small boy..he's crazy..LOLS!! he kept shaking his body..i tink he's...
tday, went to sch fer tchers' day celebration. due to the bad weather, sec1-3 was sent to the hall fer aces day. was sent dwn to the general office fer nt sitting with my class..WTH~ stood dere fer 20 min? den was sent back to class...mrs lim din cum in fer lesson so wilson. ragu and i decided to go find the tchers and gaiv dem their flowers..LOLS!! ragu was so funny. recess, met gfs.went...
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