AYYO!! Back wih this overdue entry!! hehehe~ Depart Taichung and we headed for Taipei. Had a little situation wherby we wanted to cab to HSR but the cab uncle said he can drive us straight up to Taipei at around the same price. So we heed his advice. However, this uncle ah~~ act smart. he got lost and ask us if we know how to go. WTF~? uncle~~ we are tourist lehs!! So only me...
Thursday, June 27, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates. Have already filter my taiwan pics. Tryin my best to update. Recently, Im super pissed off with some humans. But what to do?? Just heck them. Stupid low class people... Anyways~~ weather is kind of better now! But everyone please take care still!! Enjoy the summer!! ...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
LOHA! BONJOUR! 안녕! Am in a very good mood today! hahaha! So gonna post good things x stuff! hahaha! Really very happy that MDP is slowly gaining awareness. Although our followers and sales arent doing well still, but I am already contented when people know us! MDP = Maison de Posh. I promised to work hard for it:)) Thanks for all the pretty comments. I much appreciated them. It really keep me going forward for...
Wishing all the papa in the world a HAPPY FATHERS' DAY! To Papa Yap~ Thanks for being sucha nice papa!! Lack of updates because I have no mood recently to do whatever things... So I shall post about Bear Ho's 21st birthday celebration! Will post my Taiwan trip soon. Sorry eh~~ hahahah. Bear had his mini celebration. It was fun... before he fly off... We had fun laughing mad the whole night. That's all we...
Tonight, Im just staring at the sistic website hesitating whether to go G-Dragon's concert, alone. Anyway, I shall wait for payday to come then I decide. Because I have to plan my next collection. Hopefully next collection will be better. I really need to take a break or give myself a break from all the stress that come from different areas. I googled about my symptoms and it's a type of depression. I always have...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 / BY hseolahcc
Am I really having this? I dont know... I dont feel like interact much nowadays. ...
New cupcakes in town for cupcakes lover! CUPCAKESBYCLAR is an online cupcakes shop. They have a selection of cupcakes and what's even good is that, they only bake it when you order. So it's FRESH too! CUPCAKESBYCLAR offer 4 different flavours of cupcakes that you can choose from! Banana, Chocolate, Vanilla & Red Velvet. I personally favourite is Red Velvet. Gonna try Banana! hehehe! They are having a JUNE Special. Instead of getting a box...
Maison de Posh is having our first Pre-order. Prices are below SGD21. Go take a look! SHOP NOW! SHOP NOW! SHOP NOW! Maison de Posh is having our first Pre-order. Prices are below SGD21. Go take a look! SHOP NOW! SHOP NOW! SHOP NOW! ...
Good Morning! Have been waking up early during my weekends. Maybe I have too many stuffs on my mind therefore, it affect my sleep. As many people know I have my own blogshop or I have start my own blogshop. Many comments and questions have been coming to me. Ive gotten various comments/questions like: 1. Why you want to do blogshop? 2. Wah! Blogshop lehs.. rich hoh? 3. Where you get your stocks? 4. Where...
Yes! This is a special post for special people in my life:) And the first to be featured will be....... AGNES ONG LI JING! I met this girl when she was in her freshie year. Umm... she was not as horizontally challenge back then. hahaha! oops! After that, we were in IES together. And soon, I know she is super noisy! Her first camp was ESC Subcom camp and she's in Program for the first...
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