
by - Thursday, March 12, 2009

i wanna turn in early but end up sleeping late again..
holidays are like that...isnt it?

i think i am turning fat soon. real soon...cos i have been munching tibits..even late in the night. omg! cannot stand it!
and recently, i realise i actually prefer rice than noodle nehs. hahaha~ so my favourite will be rice. LOLS! hate noodles...but of cos not hokkien mee lars..that's diff. hahaha~
so random hors?
dont mind me...

sabrina called me..she apologised for cancelling the outing..
but i really dont mind lars...hahaha! dont need to be sorry...
she's really a busy girl... from sec sch till now. hahaha~
gal~ rest well if u are tired.
i talked a bit to her grandma. popo is still so cute. hahaha~
we'll meet soon:D

i feel great these days. i dont know why.
i seem to live happier...isnt it great?
i feel happy for myself too.
as if i have nothing to worry about.. i hope my life will continue to be like that.
as in i dont mean to have no worries but at least happy with my life.
not much problems. hahaha~
i feel more ease recently.

sleep now!
dream of my hubbies now!

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