
by - Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i am sleeping soon...have not been sleeping early nowadays. soon to have panda eyes. LOLS!

stayed at home the whole day today.
super boring cos my internet connection is giving me prob. my vids buffer damn slow. haha~

ytd...did not watch movie. went airport to send mrs raj off. then, had our dinner...spent a long time at the drawing place...cos nicole wants her drawings back. LOLS!
ate ice-cream with them...and it's late at night. hahaha~ omg!
cab with bernie, ben and fariz.
home at 1plus...feeling super like zombie.
slept at 2plus. hahha~

i want watch!!!!!!!!!!

confession of a shopaholic airing soon!!!!!
i wanna watch that too!
wooo~ finally i have movies to watch. hahaha~

super random right....
off now!

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