
IT SHOW 2009:)

by - Monday, March 16, 2009

samsung promoters @ IT Show!

Supper time!!!!!!




wth! Do Re Mi?

while waitng for charles and kien! hahaha~
can spot me? hahaha~ in fact, spot my head! hahaha!

i enjoyed my weekend with the promoters! haha!
it's fun and tiring. the crowd super best. LOLS! and somebody spit saliva onto my face. i was like 'OMG!!!!'. luckily, i was i was facing side way when i talked to him. hahah! if not, it will be my mouth! hahaha~
saw fariz..talked to him awhile before briefing. hahs!
i was stationed at samsung booth:) working with alvin, charles, jo, weiwen and kien! of cos the dealers!

after work ytd, we went chongqing steamboat. charles and kien drove all of us there. of cos, we were separated to 2 cars lars.. duh! AND! they locked ruiling and i in the car! so kelian! the both of us were like 'wth!'...hahaha! and my cousin didnt help me lohs! still play with them! they took pics of us being locked up...but i dont noe it's with who...and i dont wanna see it! hahah!
all of us now know what is SCR! super funny...we all have a common topic. i cant comment much cos i have not experience much. wish me luck! hahaha~
we took taxi home around 1plus.

went back to sch with weiting and jiahao. realised i didnt get my testi! big fuck!
it's not my fault cos my cca record stated A1!! so the sch gonna give me a testi soon. yes!
cos i want my testi..i did nothing wrong. feel so screwed up. hahaha!
imagined i called mr singh..and he almost forget me! hais! sad! ahaha!

meeting frens later! may be watching Coming Soon:)

off now! ciaos!

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