
by - Monday, March 09, 2009


i woke up in the morning and my eye is still swelling. LOLS~ therefore, i didnt go mahjong.
next time ars..tingwei! hahaha~
stayed at home...

last weekend at work. interesting things happened. i meet new people.
no harm working there but just that the journey kills. LOLS!
well, i shall not bother over that particular customer anymore. cos they are just afraid of losing their idiotic faces...so they put the blame on me. but get this straight right in your face lors! we are humans too...and open your idiotic ears wide~ i did say 'sorry sorry'. fishball!
wth~ the more i tink about it..the more i wanna swear at them lors. first attempt. wtf!
tink they rich they own the world. fish lors~ rich only...i oso not that poor lors. maybe their branded bags are fake ones. hahaha~ who knows? act only~

anyways, i am going out tmr with weiting and joanne. yes! hahaha~
meeting up with my friends who i think it's so unbelieveable that im meeting them soon this week. hahaha~

shirotan updated his blog...with pics. there's one with a cast from rookies. i wanna watch the movie so badly lars. hahaa~
suju is coming back real soon. i can feel them...especially my donghae!

my erjie is super crazy over Boys before Flowers now. she even called me... first thing she said is "GOO JUN PYO!" wth~ totally dont noe wad to say. LOLS! i agree goo jun pyo's sis is pretty! hahaha~
speaking of this, i havent been watching F4 for like quite some time. shall chiong the episodes soon!

off now!

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