
first day of work..

by - Saturday, November 22, 2008


i didnt blog about prom night and adeline's bdae right?
blog now then..hahaha~

prom night, wed,
cab with chaywei to orchard hotel..we were late actually...but the party had not started... did not know that weiting helped us to register already...i registered again..however, blame the SL...if my name is registered, why when i register the 2nd time, u ticked my name again? diaos right?
bad admin...the SL did spoilt my mood for that moment... pls reflect!
it was fun...but i dislike the video..not touching at all. i think there's more 4E moments than the 5Ns? however, the 5Ns had fun all the way can? love our 5Ns spirit~ so cool!
shiting's mummy sent us home..many thanks!

went Hougang Interchange to get my ez-link done..cos my card died suddenly. LOLS! bobian have to make..however, no fees needed..i think my card was corrupted.. LOLS! so i went to search for cake after that.. so none to our budget...took bus down to HG point to meet shiting, weiting and josette..quickly rushed to adeline's house...prepared everything, collab with her mummy.. LOLS! celebrated her bdae... i hope she like it..
k-session at her house..home with shiting after that...

my first day of work.
took mrt to taka..forgot to bring my IC! damn bad luck...at first, i thought the lady called, Gio Gio (a weird name, isnt it?), is darn hao lian and nasty...but when she asked me to follow her to make my card..she asked me whether i shop at taka b4 anot..i said of cos.. LOLS! then, she asked me where is the ladies' shoe section..i otld her level 1.. haha~ she said level 1 where.. i was like omg! she told me taka is all about service.. therefore, if im not sure about any section just direct the customer to the counter.. hahhaa! then, my bad thoughts about her change~~
i only made friends with my depart. partner.. cos there were only 2 of us...and we both worked full shift..stand from opening till closing.. sales were bad...the only we lack is mosquitoes.. LOLS!
other promoters at taka are darn, urber DAO and hao lian.. this is what i think lars.. most of them dont smile when i smile at them.. hello? for my character, i smiled at u, u should be happy liao lors.. i dont smile at strangers de okay? unless ive seen u b4 or wad.. fish them lors! lucky i only work till 1st dec.. and off that place.. next time, i will be ur customer!!! i will not smile at them lors.. revenge! LOLS!
went to the canteen for my dinner..was scolded my a malay fatty aunty..cos i put the utensils at thw wrong section.. tell me nicely can already mahs... i am a newcomer okay..in fact, ur signs werent clear at all... u only said 'pls put all utensils at washing area'..wad the fuck? how i noe that u all actually have sections to the utensils.. fuck ur ass man! fatty old woman! if i am eating at the canteen again, im sure to stare at that fatty woman... stare at her with my ferocious big eyes!! fuck man...so that;s why i said the people there damn unfriendly lohs! i think they live in their own world most of the time...irritating!
my partner is fine...hope our sales get better...
reach home around 11+...damn tired...my legs were like aching..almost broke.. LOLS!

off day for me today..tmr working in the noon till 8pm. shifts for next week are more flexible.. more resting.. hahahas~

off now...
blog when im free!

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