
at least i saw UKiss...

by - Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Social studies yesterday was good.. able to finish before time.. was abit shocked cos throughout the exams, i managed to finish on time or almost time.. but SS paper was diff. LOLS! good lars...i hope my sister is alright now..

after paper, went home and get ready as quickly as i could. met shiting and we went amk to meet joanne and weiting. caught HSM3..quite a nice show. after that, went mac to eat and i rushed off to airport. ya~ i was damn late but when i reached, the celebrities have not come out. so i was walking here and there to find a suitable spot. i kept hearing screams so i tip-toe and take shots.. LOLS! but i took nothing.. until i realised people screamed becos they saw them inside..diaos.. LOLS! i manged to see 2pm's chansung's head! ya~ head! for my height, i can see head means very good lers!! LOLS! or becos chansung is tall..? maybe~ ahahas!
then, when everyone ran out to the bus.. i went too. i am so lucky to see U-KISS's Eli... and i forget the person from UKISS sitting behind him.. what i know was they are in front of me.. hees~ it;s my first time seeing stars so close lors!!!! and eli is really good looking.. really! although i am not a fan of UKISS but i must say they are very very good looking nehs!
okays...wondergirls will only arrive today noon? quite disappointed when i could not see them... nvm lars, shall wait people to post pics! haha~

i am looking forward to the concert...(:
anyway, i saw elena! hahaha~ elena, ive helped u asked about the guy wearing red..but still no answer... if i noe ler..den i post for u.. LOLS!

off now!
i wanna sleep ler..

to joanne:
i have pay u movie tix money lehs!!!

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