

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hey!chinese prelim today!i must say, i hope i can get what i want!not much hope on the papers! hahahas~paper 1 topics were like... when i saw it.. dots was what i see! bubble pop out with DOTS! hahahas~oh well, i still try my very best to think of points to write...good that last minute there were quite a number of points flow through my mind.. hahahas~ paper 2 was... question marks! i dont even understand...

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not the time now..

Monday, April 28, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i should not be here right now!hahahas~anyway, just came back from CP not long. met weiting at 5+ to study. chaywei was late! hahahas~ ms tee saw us.. and she pop out suddenly, folding her arms, and asked whether we were studying or chit chatting. we did study! just that we were taking a short break doing off topic thingy. hahahas! chaywei left first.. weiting and i continued awhile more... left around 8+... bought sotong...

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Monday, April 28, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
ohmy!!the freaking crazy weather can kill!everywhere i go. i feel the warmth! the hot air blowing at me!oh no!ahhh~see! global warming!save the earth people!!rahh~meeting weiting and chaywei to study for chinese later!gonna prepare now!i wanna sleep! ...

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Sunday, April 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i find that i could not really study at home.. at most, after studying for an hour, not lasting for 2 hours, i will closed my books and do other stuff. not very consistent and focus!i guess i will be staying in school to study almost everyday.. at least, in school, i can study better. at home, i have my tv, my beddy and commy..yes! SET! i will study in school. easier to get help...

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Sunday, April 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
new ad.. pls click!hahahas~i am so bored!study study study!ahahas~i wan go walk walk! ...

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Saturday, April 26, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!today, woke up early..7am! hahahas~ met shiting, weiting and jiahao at Hg point mac for breakfast. went to school... had chinese lesson. very good... i did learn something. hahahs~ gonna study chinese tomorrow. went home after school. viwawa with joanne...first time in my life, im actually addicted to games.. hahahas!! i dont play games fyi... hahas!! did research for group presentation. just finished watching H.I.T on 255...was pissed by my daddy.. shall not rant on...

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Friday, April 25, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!im here again!today was soso!!studied on poa test in the morning before going to school. studied abit in the bus too! EL, sentence structure..quite boring~ i was feeling abit sleepy. PE, slept after studying poa..becos we are done with the 5 items and im sick..so couldnt go running with the girls. POA, i think i will fail again.hahas~ cos i did a question wrongly. rahh~ did not go for recess. thus, abit bad mood cos...

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yep! the man u see in that pic, passed away today.he's my father's cousin. so means, my uncle!happened to visit when we were back at msia for cny.although all of us thought when will we meet again.. however, to him, our last meeting was during CNY. he fell and was suffered from many illnesses.. so if u have elderly at home, pls do take care of them. no matter how trouble it is, pls treasure...

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
IM BACK!did not go school yesterday.. went to see the doctor.slept alot!! hahahas~today...took medicine before i leave home. feel giddy..damn! hahas! walked damn restlessly to class.. thanks chi heng for going down...:D MT, went ava for test. no mood to do..just hope for a pass. studied abit on egeog..could not absorb much. EG, test! yup~flunk! hahas~ EM, did not do much.. slept awhile. recess, ate in class! physics, went lab.. practical sucks lars!! poa, three...

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Monday, April 21, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hey!why am i here?i should be sleeping right!yayaya~ i will be sleeping right after this. haha!!ohkays!last week was terrible for me and the girls. however, they showed me something! that's wad i like! they are frank! once they think u are wrong, they are straight forward... they are willing to hear me explain! let's all work had to our goals! lastly, thank you very much, girls!u see~ at least, i dont feel uneasy anymore compared...

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Monday, April 21, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo!crazy nose/flu have been affecting since morning. i woke up coughing like i gonna cough blood. hahas! keep sneezing when im in school... my nose is as if its dropping down. feeling damn terrible. could not eat prawn mee becos of my sick. idiot! went to support the badminton tournament. cheered!! which means i scream! half way, feeling giddy... went home.. in the bus, damn irritated by the driver cos the bus kept jerking.. also...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
shoot me!!oh my god!!i just remember that i have a geog test tmr.. and!! when i was looking through my file, i could not find the worksheet that mrs wong gave us. then, i think i have left it in school. next, since it was from tys i thought i could study it through tys..however, when i search it on my book shelf, i could not find it!! then, i remembered i left all geog...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
geez! ...

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Saturday, April 19, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
just a short post..ive just realised i have tons of pictures in my folder!! and i have not post them up yet. oops! gonna post it soon... however, i will just post some becos i think it's alot..hahas!! the others will be on my photoalbum..which i will give u the link once i upload them! hees~off to do hwk!byebye! ...

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Friday, April 18, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo people!BACK!woke up feeling damn irritated by my throat and arms. ahaha! yups! cough had caused me to be coughing like i am dying early in the morning. hate it! mummy made almond tea for me..my arms are aching due to ytd, playing wii at SRR. hahas!! left home to school...almost missed both bus 109 and 159. LOLS! physics, gotten our tys and started doing it. mr tee set a punishment for us. diao! quite...

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Thursday, April 17, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo!actually wanna blog just now when in com lab. however, due to some probs..hahas! i dont wish to. hahas!kickboxing is getting boring and boring to me. hahas! SS, did source-based. slept after finish doing it. damn tired~ EL, did summary. again, i stared at ms mazna. hahas! EM, continued on doing papers. sian! mr ng said i've finally asked him question. hahaas! becos i had no clue on that question so i asked de hors!...

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!im back!school today was good. happy in the morning.. i dont know why too. LOLS! chem, was okay. did revision...mrs raj again, told us about As. hahahas!! i did not bring my tys again! hahahas! poa, okay.. at least i somehow understand the topic...test next week. chinese, ohmy! ms tee is ill.. and for the next 2 weeks, relief teacher will be teaching. so i guess, i have to depend on myself ler. cos i...

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
Hi!im here...nothing much in school. except!ive finally found my personal space..yups! i used to have one at fernvale but we shifted to HG. and i could not find any... but today/recently, i found it! i am not trying to be emo or wad lars.. i believe, for me, i need some time to be quiet alone..我需要空间来检点和平静.我需要有一个能呼吸的地方。因为我不会表达自己的想法..也不大会说话, 所以不知道该怎么办? 这个空间, 虽然我待的时间不久, 但那短短的时间, 能让我大力的深呼吸, 把不愉快的心情都抛开. 你会问我, 你可以向朋友诉说啊... 我是想. 但是, 我找不到一个真的会体会, 了解和感受的朋友. 而对我而言, 这位朋友应该就是我的心吧!okies.. tmr 502 going SRR!! have...

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Sunday, April 13, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
just found out something!a 'xuee' went to chaywei's blog to tag.. trying to make us break out..sorry hors! i am gonna tell u dat u are a damn bloody stupid person to do this.. HELLO!! wad era is this now? still using this kinda method to destroy people's relationship.it's a stupid thingy to do!fyi, i have sort things out with chaywei..and i noe she is sensible to understand..unlike u, like me so much dat u...

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Sunday, April 13, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i did not know this get so serious. becos of this, u wanna hate me, i have no comments. but it's not that i do not have eyes to see. i have! that particular post i was written at the time i was damn angry..i noe u did alot too. we all have conscience. i am not sure if u are talking about me..but i dislike it when u said no one force me to...

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Saturday, April 12, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i am horribly, terribly crazy right now!!better back off or i will tear u alive!fishball!!if i manage to die becos of eating too much bread, i think i will thankful to those bread!! nice one! i will remember today becos i will be eating 6-7 breads for dinner. i wish i die!fucking people!i see black faces as if i owe them money. freaking hell!! i tell you now! i think i should be the one...

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Thursday, April 10, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!finally im back! shall make it short and get some rest!!tue,stayed back and helped with the banner. after painting some, i decided to slack and crapped. entertained the people who were painting. hahaa!! went home quite late..however, shiting's mummy sent me home!! thankyou!!wed,oh.. i was damn tired lars.. i cried early in the morning in class. BUT! i am not emo..is just that i am too stressed up by home-cuming. it's glad that i finally...

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Monday, April 07, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!firstly, our dear female hamster, kiki, died today. RIP!502 will definitely miss you!it was damn shocking. first thing we step into class today, was being told that kiki is dead. morning assembly was in class today. we were discussing on home-cuming stuff. MT, did bao zhang bao dao in groups. ms tee said we will be having extra lessons from next week. i am okay with it. my As! LOLS! EG, did revision on tourism......

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Sunday, April 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
ohmy!i forget to celebrate my blog's 2 years anniversary!HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BLOG!shall talk about wednesday.weiting and shiting did not come my house becos shiting cant make it. so i met shiting at cp around 5pm. saw weiting coincidentally. then, went chaywei's house with shiting. chaywei helped me with my hair. thanks! waited awhile and went cp. weiting and jiahao were dining at swensens.. however, the three of us dined at pizza hut. hahhas! yummy!! we...

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Saturday, April 05, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
currently, im pissed by my stupid internet connection. it always lag during weekends. damn it!i shall blog alot tomorrow cos i am feeling superb sleepy right now!rahh!my sat is gone just like that!!BYE! ...

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!just wake up from my short nap. not shiok at all cos i am feeling giddy now.yesh! my serious headache is back after a long time!! all thanks to monday's assembly!today was fine. chem, mrs raj is on mc..she lost her voice. hahaas! i heard it ytd and it was sexy. POA, it sucks man! cos the test was damn!!!! how to say! i really dont know what answers i wrote. hahas~ mother tongue, ms...

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