

by - Sunday, February 03, 2008

good afternoon!

so bored now! family just went out. i have no mood to go out so i stayed at home. hees~ later will be going erjie's house for steamboat.

i have a geog test tomorrow but i have yet touch my notes. no mood to study lars.. maybe bringing it over to erjie there to study. sian!

cny is just a few days away... money!! LOLS!
travel fair tomorrow! jiayou oh!

yesterday i dreamt. i cant remember who i dream about but i can only remember Tegoshi Yuya from NEWS! hahahas~ not fake...is real.. i did dreamt of him. lols! i think is becos i watched the vids on him yesterday night before i went to sleep. therefore, i dream of him. LOLS!

i have a plan!
girls!! those who are single, wanna go eat sushi after lessons on valentine's day? hahhas~

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