

by - Thursday, February 14, 2008


today is a happy day ne!
woke up, after doing the usual things, i started packing boxes of choco into a paper bag. went to school with a happy mode!

reached school. adeline was so agitated! LOLS! she wants a hug... distributed my choco to my friends. it was my first attempt. i hope it tastes good. hahas~ mrs wong gave us something too. thankyou! thanks to those who gave me things. happy vday!!

lessons were fine. after sch, went amk hub with adeline. we watched kungfu dunk together. the movie was funny. everyone laughed. i am not quite a fanatic of jay chou.. i wanna see Chen Bo Lin. hahahas~ and i realised Chen Chu He looks pretty good at some views. LOLS!

oh ya~ i told weiting, i dreamt of F.T Island's Hong Gi. ohmy~ it's my sweetest vday prezzie! LOLS! why didnt i dream of junsu? whatever~ i still love him.

i love my hubbies and my hubbies love me!


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