

by - Friday, February 29, 2008


erjie is at HK shopping now! definitely! family is like planning to go somehow end of this year. everytime say say only. LOLS! so i am saving up now. quite early hors? but if u do the calculations, i should start now. hahahas~ back to topic.

school today was fun. physics, quite boring. hees~ PE!! i like PE!! partner with weiting. we played with nicole and huixin. like last week, we are tired becos of laughing not playing! hahahas~ then, mrs lee wanted us to switch pairs. therefore, we played with char and joanne. the 2 of them ars!! hais~ hahas! they told us no out! weiting and i was losing at first. however, we catch up! and we won!! hahas~ then, char and joanne went on saying we are cheaterbugs! URGH! kill you ars! they are the ones who cheated! hahahas~ they are funny lars! EM was next. did nothing becos i have finished my work. hehe~ recess, thanks weiting for accompanied me down. LOLS! and and!! let me nag! excuse me~ although i did not sound out doesnt mean that im invisible kies?!! u cut in the queue as if u own the whole canteen stalls. wth~ i cant tolerate this! pls be considerate kies~ what if i cut your queue just like how u cut mine, how will u feel?! damn bu-shuang right?! damn it! juniors are getting damn worst~ sucha disgrace that i have bad juniors~

back to class. eng, teacher was not around. i slept abit. woke up becos girls were playing. hahahas~ they played musical chair! omg! LOLS!

end here. not gonna go out on weekend cos i am tired! ahas~

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