

by - Saturday, February 02, 2008


new skin! simple.. becos im lack of inspirations. hees~

i woke up around 10+ today. feeling not very well... but i was better after that.
met adeline, weiting, huixin and her sis at amk hub. adeline was shopping for her cny clothes. walked around. they went to look for shoes but nothing caught their eyes. so we decided to go to CP. adeline bought hers... then, adeline, huixin and her sis went home. so left weiting and me. we went mac to eat. after eating, went shopping. hahahas~ went missha but never buy anything. so went watson.. bought a lipgloss. we went to montip. hahas~ that's when weiting is so funny. i am waiting for your story~ LOLS! bought 2 pair of earrings. happy! becos i bought things today.

gonna have steambost tmr with family!
get to see my baobeis!!!
oh ya~ i am recovering soon. soon lars.. but not sure when. hehs!

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