

by - Monday, February 18, 2008

school today was fine. abit slack?

MT, ms tee came in and she smiled at herself. so i said to char 'shen jing bing'. hahahas~ ms tee told us she took the wrong stack of worksheets..and she took a few mins to say 'what~ shen jing bing'. before that, i said she is old so she is so forgetful. and tingtong char went to tell mstee. but mstee admitted. LOLS! geog, i provided answers for the questions. see~ what an attentive girl! LOLS! i pass my test!! weehoo! there was one scene that mrs wong was asking for answer and she looked at me, hoping i would give one. however, i turned to weiting. LOLS! EL, did some speech writing worksheets. and gotten back our diagnostic wrting test. i passed. but a low low pass! hahahas~ did my corrections! recess, went to look for tianrong about travel fair. have to stay back to do the board! rahh~ anyone wanna help?? went back to eat my sandwich. hees~ asked rubin to buy nuggets too. assembly, played some sort of game for total defence day. i think it was abit lame. CE period, sleep! hahas~ lunch, i went out to eat!! sorry for eating so much!

went back to class. mrs thang was absent. chatted with joanne! after school, went joanne's house! eat again!!!!! gambled abit but i won 50cents! LOLS! played a few rounds of mahjong. went home around 7+.

suddenly i felt scary walking home alone. hahahas~ i dare not walk shortcut. first time feeling afraid. LOLS!

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