
by - Tuesday, November 06, 2007

helped liping with her blogskin. hahas~ i hope she likes it. finally, my gal blogs. hahas~

joanne dumb dumb~ hahas! i am feeling better now. thanks for those encouraging words. and to this gal, i must thank you a lot. those words of yours were great. thank you! :D

okay, as for now onwards, i shall refrain myself from getting any more troubles. i know mummy was suspecting that i am not feeling good yesterday. i thank her for not questioning. hehe~
anyway, tomorrow i will have my shopping trip with mummy! yay! finally lars.... i cant even remember when was the last time i shop with mummy.

just see my calendar, tomorrow is wednesday already!!!! ahh~ then thur, fri, sat and sun. oh my, i am leaving like so soon. hahas~ so excited. my buddy is now working hard for her exams. i am looking forward to HK with my classmates. hahas~ i know there will be lots of funny things happening. hahas~

wth~ i wanna watch Unstoppable Marriage!! my jaejin!!!!!!! i saw caps of him and i wanna watch it like NOW!!! and tvants had problem. i cant even watch mnet.. wth~ no wonder, i am feeling so bored today!! rahh~

lesser fti news. rahh!

goodbye my love~

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