
boredom kills~

by - Saturday, November 24, 2007

actually today should meet weiting and joanne. however, i was not well to join them. i am SICK!

yups! how unlucky! just back from HK and im sick. kept sneezing and coughing.. WTH! hahas~ wonder what's the outcome of their job searching. hahas~ tomorrow there is HK group BBQ. im still considering whether to go. firstly, i am sick and have no mood to play. next, the place is quite far..and i hate travelling so far. i mean when im sick..i do not want to move so much. hahahs~ yups! so im still not confirm.

yesterday, kampong msg-ed me. may have an outing on Monday or Tuesday. okays~ im still jobless lars. mummy said it doesnt matter whether there is a job for me. that's okay! but i hate idling at home. LOLS! anyone wanna hire me? hahas~

alright~ i am feeling giddy now. guess it should be the medicine's fault. fishball!

off now. dont miss me! hahas~

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