

by - Thursday, November 29, 2007

we woke up even early today. pack our luggage and bring it down. lave to 大家乐 for breakfast and bus-ed to Shatin Sport Ground! the sun was so shiny and hot!! oh no! i was not feeling well too. the sports' day started off with the classes cheering. they are dman creative! i like their sport day. hahas~ we had dim sum for lunch again. i sat beside the principal! it was really scary. and i did something foolish too. hahas~ went back and standby for the performance. i appreciated the cheers from the whole school alot! thanks everyone for your encouragement! we were all very nervous and our song had problem. instead, we continued dancing. thanks! after dancing, i rushed to change and get ready for the races. hahas~ had fun! after sports' day, we took the bus back to campsite to get our luggage. then, back to host's house. my host family treated me very well! :D thanks!

we woke up and changed. met sam and reginald. we went to have our breakfast near the stadium. at 8am, weset off to Ocean Park. took pictures of pandas! i did not play any of the games. reason was im afraid of heights! :D our buddy bouggt Mac for us! hees~ continued playing then. bought some gifts for family. we gathered around at 4+ to go to the peak. the coach picked us up...ohya, i took the cable car @ ocean Park! first time~ hahas! alright, back to the peak. it was really cold there. abit like genting. so we explored around. however, did not managed to go to the wax museum. D: after dinner, chaywei, weiting and i shopped around. weiting and i saw a pair of shoes. it's just S$20!! hahas~ sadly, it does not have our sizes D: meet up the rest and we queued to take the peak tram. it was dman icy cold then. we were all shivering. hahas~ after dismissed, took bus to take the star ferry then home. bathed and slp! :D

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