

by - Monday, October 29, 2007

went to school early to do math. we were sitting together and some helped each other out. so nice! hahahs~ this is what we called as a class! 409 has very good class spirit. agree? hahas~

math paper 1 was average. now, the total marks depend on p2. hahas~ most said that p2 may be difficult cos p1 was not that hard. pray hard that it will come out average too. hahahas~ compared answers with my sister once back home. we got different answers and i confirm im wrong. hahahas~

one paper down... left 2 more. wed is approaching. yay! finally, we do not need to do second dance. yay! which make my job lesser. hahahas~ and i have to just add a few more steps. :D

i am so so excited to HK now. japan group is going on wed.

good nite!!!

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