

by - Thursday, October 25, 2007

heys! im here again!

firstly, i would like to apologise to mr tang and jiahao. sorry for the mess ive created. i know my mistake now. i am feeling so guilty~ ahh!! i couldnt help at all and made both of you clean up the mess.

omg! although jiahao said it's okay.. but i cant forgive myself. hahas~ perhaps it's my character. i feel guilty always. dont know why~ i mean things that was assigned not others. hahas~ really sorry!! shoot myself man!

okays... school today was fine again. did math and thanks to various teachers. hahahas~ they cleared my doubt. thank you very much!

oh no~ the day is getting nearer and nearer. ya~ like what mrs thang said to me. i will prove to everyone! hahahas~ but most importantly to myself. yups!

so many people having concerts in the holidays. f.t island, big bang, ygfamily, TVXQ.... but i cant even see one! wth right? hahahas~

school is making jacket and it's a must if wearing jacket. kind of waste money lars.. cos we have to wear for less than a year~ *roll eyes*

goodbye~ gonna do math now.

btw, anyone wanna study math with me on saturday?

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