

by - Friday, October 26, 2007

first time the class bonded together, to make lots of money!

oops! we were having fun in class all the time. however, most of the time we are paying attention to the lesson. this class is always helping each another out. they are my little cute brothers and sisters. ;D

they are my motivation. i admit that i often talked to them..however, it doesnt mean that i am sick in the mind..okay? it's a kind of releasing stress. hahahas~ oh ya~ they are my hubbies! :)

the school has ended. a year had passed. so fast~ i gained lots of friends..and also lost some. however, this is life. im glad that everyone in 409 has promoted and we are classmates again!! these group of brothers and sisters brought me joys and laughters. most importantly, they lended their halpful hands to me when i was facing a little downfall. they encouraged me when i feel like giving up. teachers always believe in us (alhtough sometimes we did badly). i found my smile because of them. they made me believe in friends again. thank you 409

doing math now. wanna say that another story is ending. a new chapter is awaiting!

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