
6 more days~

by - Tuesday, October 23, 2007

yups! 6 more days to olvl math papers. i am so so worry right now. results~ i know i should dwell on it so much. but im just afraid. hais~

school today was the same. mrs wong gave us work to do. english... ive forgotten what had i done. hahahas~ math, teacher never teach. she leave us to do our work. did not go for recess again. hahas! i admit that i was a little moody during math... however, im alright after that. hahas! mrs wong pointed out my mistake to me... guess, i will correct on it. after school, went for HK meeting. deal with money matters only.. went point to buy sushi. and then home.

just finished doing math paper 2. hehs! gonna slp soon. i am tired!


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