나는 긴장의 거대한 총계를 직면하고 있다.yups. i am breaking down soon. wtf okay~ some people have so much time to spend after their EOY.. and what they did was just little compared to us. after EOY, we used all of our time studying for Olvl..when they happily enjoy their days. and and~ they produced things like as if they had no time. now, everything is being push to us. excuse me~ we are not machines...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!officially declare~ im free from exams! hahas~ no more exams, no more studying. hahas~chinese papers today. p1 was quite hard. p2 was easy!!!!! hahahs~ i finished quite early and realised everyone was still doing. so i check check my paper for mistake. hahahs~later meeting my classmates and teachers for gathering. :Dand 11 more days to HK!!!excited~ ...
heyhey!just got a shock from sarah. hahahas~i asked her what kinds reaction does she wants me to react. and she said,'say sarah u siao ah!'hahhas~dont mind her kay? hhahas~ i can cure her. hahahs~alright, i shouldnt be here now, typing in english. hahas~ cos tomorrow is chinese day. therefore, i have to speak chinese, write chinese and study chinese. hahahs~ i will do that once i finish. hahas~i read a book just now. i think...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
okay... p2 was manageable. hahas~ finally, worries about math is over. happy!however, i am quite pissed off with one examiner. he had some attitude problem alright? just that i missed out writing and i am doing it, he knocked on my table and spoke to me with that fishball tone. what the hell! hahas~ i know that i need to tie the string but cant u see im writing my cover page? fisherman! okay, shall...
Monday, October 29, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
went to school early to do math. we were sitting together and some helped each other out. so nice! hahahs~ this is what we called as a class! 409 has very good class spirit. agree? hahas~math paper 1 was average. now, the total marks depend on p2. hahas~ most said that p2 may be difficult cos p1 was not that hard. pray hard that it will come out average too. hahahas~ compared answers with my...
Sunday, October 28, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!i am so nervous. tomorrow will be the day!! ahh~ gin jang!i woke up early today..and soon received a message from erjie. she asked whether we wanna have breakfast together. so i went into my parents' room to inform them. i went back to my room to lie for awhile. got up and bathed. waited for uncle to come fetch us. we went to elder uncle's house to eat. he just came back from HK...
yupyups...i am so nervous! u know why? because monday will be the day that i have been afraid of.math p1... i hope i am able to calm myself and not getting to nervous. same again... every time having exams... my heart beats very fast and i am having breathing difficulties again.after olvl, i will be busy doing hk stuff. two weeks to hk!!! i am so so excited. and also, working during holidays. that means...
poor me~ i sprained my left wrist. how unlucky~ hahas!okays.. gonna study with the gals tomorrow.off to study now. bye~ ...
back back!!i am in love with cho shin sung's song...which is my blog song currently.i hope u will like it.okay~ i gonna miss watching my hubby tomorrow cos i am gonna study and study and study this weekend. i think i am going out to study on sunday cos my house is having many visitors. and i dont want to be at home doing nothing nor helping cos i do not know how to help....
Friday, October 26, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
first time the class bonded together, to make lots of money!oops! we were having fun in class all the time. however, most of the time we are paying attention to the lesson. this class is always helping each another out. they are my little cute brothers and sisters. ;Dthey are my motivation. i admit that i often talked to them..however, it doesnt mean that i am sick in the mind..okay? it's a kind of releasing...
Thursday, October 25, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
heys! im here again!firstly, i would like to apologise to mr tang and jiahao. sorry for the mess ive created. i know my mistake now. i am feeling so guilty~ ahh!! i couldnt help at all and made both of you clean up the mess.omg! although jiahao said it's okay.. but i cant forgive myself. hahas~ perhaps it's my character. i feel guilty always. dont know why~ i mean things that was assigned not others....
this is what i make just now. hahahs~pls credit if taking out. hahas~wanna make jaejin de but cant find any pic i like.. hahahs!make next time!by the way, joanne if u see this. pls thanks me kay~ ur fav. LOLS! ...
hellos!we did nothing in school today. except writing and decorating on the balls for Singapore. hahas!wrote many many~ practice the dance with the gals. recess, finally i get to step into the canteen. hahahas~ went back to class. did nth again. hahahs~ we practiced till 1pm and home.oh~ minhwan said he is going to upload pics.. hahahs! wonder what kind of pics will he upload. hahahs! i miss jaejin n junsu so much. im gonna...
6 more days~
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yups! 6 more days to olvl math papers. i am so so worry right now. results~ i know i should dwell on it so much. but im just afraid. hais~school today was the same. mrs wong gave us work to do. english... ive forgotten what had i done. hahahas~ math, teacher never teach. she leave us to do our work. did not go for recess again. hahas! i admit that i was a little moody...
Monday, October 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
okay.. school today was fine. charmaine's daddy sent us to school today. so kind of them~ thanks uncle & char! ;D had assembly in class...wasnt doing anything at first. then, adeline asked how is the dance doing. we were like.. nono~ so they suggested we use the time to practice. actually we should use the time to do math lars.. but...dont feel like. so i taught chaywei. however, we still need time. mrs raj assigned...
8 more days~
Sunday, October 21, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello!sister lend me her math notes.. all formula..hahhas!! but quite good. so i copied. at least i did something kays.. gonna do math and math next week. cos 8 more days... i know chances of re-taking it is high. however, i must try my best!! jiayou!!and and.. im flying to HK in about 21 more days.... :Dso excited... everything gonna be fine!let's all smile and live happy!aja aja! ...
okays... i am throwing temper these few days.shit myself.. having headache right now. i have so much to do. i cant take it anymore...however, i will hold on. i know i can.hais~ ...
i am tired right now.. gonna sleep!ahahhas~ couldnt sleep last night...byebye! ...
no time!
Friday, October 19, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahas~ i have been talking about time these few days. really no time lors! right?gotten back all eoy results. however, if wanna make myself happy, let's out it this way. dont care about the results, just enjoy the air-con next year!! hahahas~ yes! the whole class is promote to 5N. hooray~ classmates again. hahas!geography was totally disappointed. i failed. hahas~ thanks to SS to pull my overall up. poa passed but compared to mid-yr, it's...
back again.went out for dinner with weiting. joanne that lazy makan queen stayed at home. hahahas!oh ya, thanks sarah for introducing job for me. gonna go for interview next week. hopefully can get it. cos i dont want to waste my time during holidays. worst come to worst, may be going back to daddy's workplace to work. hahahas!finished a set of math. now doing second set. byebye!please vote for f.t, suju, big bang, wonder girls...
Thursday, October 18, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
okay, im back from school.passed the presents to her already left with one more..cos dear joanne have forgotten to bring. hahahas~ i dont blame you.the costume is more or less set and now is the dance. damn~ time is like catching up and i am not done with it. feel like dying.. so so stress! the feeling of having tons of things to do. hate it! hahahas!!! well, i told myself to enjoy it cos...
best hip hop song: big bang -Lies, dynamic duo, drunken tiger....best ballad song: kim dong wan, yangpa, MC the Max.....best R&B Soul: sg wannabe, fly to the sky....best dance: suju, CSJH - The Grace, Ivy, M-Lee Min Woo....lexy and classiquai are nominees for i dont know what award. i think the type of song.. elctronic & something. lexy!!!! ...
now watching mnet. i think they are going through who is nominated..best new boy grp are f.t island, cho shin sung... i 4get the restbest new girl group are wonder girls, snsd, kara, black pearl..best boy group are big bang, suju, epik high....best girl group are CSJH, Seeya, Brown Eyed Girls....will update again.. ...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
last day of break.i have many things to do. ahh~study is one and the most important.next will be hk thingy. u may think that it's nothing but not okay?hahahas~ time is precious. i have limited time to do things. while doing hk thingy, i must not let it affect my study cos olvl is coming. hais~ nevermind! i will endure! as long as i endure, it will turn out to be a happy ending right?...
okays, was watching mnet this afternoon. then, they showed MKMF thingy. it is going to be held on the 17th next month. and and!!! i will be in HK!! so sad!! i cant watch it LIVE! my heart sank totally. i thought i could watch it but now.... siian!!!!!!!can postpone? hahahas~okiies... think im not going tomorrow ler...i am in a sian mood. hahahs~did math today.. going to do more later and tomorrow!SEOL AH~ HWAITING!everybody hwaiting!...
hellos!cannot concerntrate on doing my math. sian!gonna do alot tomorrow! girls asked me out on wednesday.still thinking going not. lols!watch movie.. im not really interested in any movies lately. except The Last Breath which is coming out on thur! hahahas~ the rest that are showing now, im not really interested. therefore i may not want to waste money on it. :)cyas!off now~ ...
i wanna share it with you yesterday but cant.hahahas~ to jaejoong and uknow fans!alright~ gonna do my math lers. cyas! ...
yoyo!actually wanna post some pics but connection is slow. i have no patience to wait. hahas~oh ya~jaejin left 2 messages yesterday.i am waiting for his sitcom to be aired. hahahas~he said he will work hard. so i will work hard too!ahahahas~hwaiting!oh!joanne likes F.T too!new primadonna! ...
alright~ hahas!!mummy refuse to give me any more money! hahahas~cos i've spent more than 100 bucks. sad man~collected my heechul's sock! hahhas~ it's cute! thanks weier!after collecting, i went bishan to look for mummy. she was with her friends. we had our dinner at novena's korean restaurant. food was average. hahas~ mummy bought 2 long sleeve tees for me. loved!okay~ mon-wed will be time for me to do homework. and when school resumes, no more...
Saturday, October 13, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
thanks for slashing my name in that group. i know it's just out to spite me or what~ whatever! by the way, if u read it, dont feel hurt alright? this are just my thoughts...so~ dont take it to heart.alright~ do you know something, my dear?living in some places might not give you peace. so u will have to leave. of course willingly~like me, i leave that particular group willingly. cos there's no true friendship...
Friday, October 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
wahaha~my dear liping~ cheer up okay?like what u said ignorance is a bliss!be like me~ i am so so happy right now!every time i think of it, i'll tell myself: do u tink i care?hahhas~ yups! nothing for me to care now except my studies.there is a quote that my elders have been telling me all along~最好的朋友也是你最大的敌人~people~ it's true! cos u will never know~hahahas~alright~ im crazy!dont mind me~i wanna tell them!im happy alright!LOLS! ...
Friday, October 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
good morning!woke up early today!hahahas~okies..shall blog about yesterday.so...went to school as usual for my poa paper. only 8 of us~hahahas!! the line was so short..LOLS! paper ended at 12pm and that's the end of my EOY!! HOORAY~ went home straight. bathed and slack around. met the girls at CP. i was the second to reach. claris pig and makan queen were late. hahhas!! not that bad lars~ so we took mrt to dhoby ghaut. waited...
hooray!exams over...2 weeks to olvl. hahhas!going out lers!byebye~ ...
finish studying POA. gonna do last revision tomorrow morning.i hope grades remain the same as mid-yr or even higher.jiayou!오~긴장~긴장~ ...
hahas~ chatting with Pig Toh Wei ting now.hahahs~funny conversations....she craps alot... oh my~gonna tell u one thing! after tomorrow's paper, i will be having a break till next wed.. class resuming on next thur. ahahas~ but we have 5 sets of math papers. hahahas!off now! ...
so boring~had my hair trimmed!not gonna keep short hair anymore. hahahas~ i want my long hair..should be next year already. hahahs!ahh... havent study poa. gonna do it later..shopping tomorrow~ the feeling of going out! hahahas!happy tomorrow!hahahs!byebye!blog later..oh ya~ i bought a pair of Heechul's socks.. hahahas! ...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!realise something?ive changed my blogskin!!nice nice??hahhaas~alright, u may see that there is no taggy. however, after reading my post, look at the end right corner of the post. there is this thingy stated --messages. click it and leave ur message. hahahas!! easy right?okay!english p2 today...hmm, cant say anything. can be easy and not. judge from my english standard, i hope i will pass. after school, went to eat. chit chatted... laughed out loud~ hahahas!! home...
안녕하세요?okays.. paper finished at 0915..so went mac for breakfast with friends. as per normal, we joked. hahas!! physics was okay..i hope my 5 marks drawing of diagram wont fly away. i studied for that okay? hahhas!!eng paper 2 tomorrow. and then, poa the last paper. HOORAY!!anyone wanna go shopping? i need to buy things. :Djoanne~ want go?talk about that in school!sarah!take care hors!bye peeps! ...
so sad!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!Big Bang and FT are on Inkigayo later.. i think. hahahas!!gonna caome back with caps okie?just read the news. due to typhoon, TVXQ's concert was cancelled yesterday. sad!!! and NEWS yesterday's concert gonna have it today. so today NEWS will have 2 concert in TAIPEI. at least they still get to perform full. but TVXQ cant! so sad! the 5 of them are quite sad over this too. hais!mummy joke saying there is a place...
yoyo... here again!yes! i watched manwon just now. so funny! hahahas!oh ya~ TVXQ had their concert at Taiwan. hahahs!! i want to go!!!!!!! no one wanna sponsor me to KL..for their concert! D: anyone wanna sponsor? hahahas!studied physics. have to memorise fomula..sian! hahahs!! endure~oh ya~ pls visit this online shop!!!CLICK!caps on manwon is up! check it!CLICK! ...
Saturday, October 06, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!didnt blog yesterday. hahahs! chem was alright. QA came out and i dont know whether i guess it correctly not? hhahas~after paper, went KFC for breakfast. played with sherman's PSP. game over in less than 5 min. hahahas! what a noob am i! hahahs~ im not interested in games okay? LOLS! went home then. slept for 2 hours and played com. hehs! did blogskin. oh ya~ gonna change my blogskin next week, after eoy. exams...
4 more days to go!
Thursday, October 04, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!just woke up from my short nap. now, im feeling abit shaky. gonna study chem once im back to normal.hahahas! i have not study a thing about chem yet! shucks!geog paper today is okay. i hope i score. as for map reading, a big sigh. i wasted 20 min on it. and i kept looking at the time. every question i finish, i looked up at the clock. hahhas! how scary~ there was a question...
hees! blog before i go to sleep!hmm.. not much pics of my bf. so i kind of feeling bored.hahahs!tomorrow is thursday. geog day! i gonna score well for that paper. i believe i can do it lars. hahas! hope the grades wont be disappointing anymore. hahahs!fri is chem day which i am not really good at it. just hope for a pass.well, i updated my other blog yesterday. check it out! ...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
SMILE!hahahs~as promise that i will blog today.i kind of forget what happened yesterday. hahahas~oh, it's the start of EOY. we are left with 5 more days. after that, i will give myself some fun time. shopping and blahs. then, get ready for Olvl. yups! less than a month! hahahas~ gonna work extremely hard. prove to people! :Dafter SS paper yesterday, went to the coffee shop to eat. many funny things happened. with charmaine around, there...
wee! EL p1 and SS today. i hope my essay will be okay. SS's source based questions were quite difficult but it's over. hahahas!!no school tomorrow!! gonna study my chem and geog. i must study hard for geog on order to pull up my humanities overall! hahahas!! jiayou!i will blog more tomorrow about today. ...
Monday, October 01, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!i woke up early in the morning to study. hees~ and so, i went school feeling sleepy. i even messaged weiting and char asking whether there is school today. hahahs! my chaywei was not feeling good today. cheers okay? i might not know what had happened but im old enough to guess. dont let it affect your studies kay? your future is more important compare to others. :D chemistry, was doing revision and i have...
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