

by - Wednesday, July 25, 2007

everything went back as normal. i still everyone of them. the days we're together. so fun!
i has never been so happy and laugh naturally.

weiting just sent me a funny photo!! i wanna kill myself now!!
vincent! how can you take a pic of us like that! i looked so dumb!! hahahas~
i shall grab your pics! hahas~ vincent was our video man..hahas!!

school today was fine. finally met GFs for recess!! hahahas~ i have not been to recess with them for quite a long time!! i felt~ hahahas!! well, im back to normal life.
english today was fun!! we watched a video 'Mind Your Language'.. so funny!! we all laughed alright? hahahas~ went out to eat with classmates after school. math test... din do well. went home after that.

wanna thanks nicole for lending me the DVD.. love you! hahahas~
really thanks!

my buddy loves her present!!

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