
last day with my bed~

by - Thursday, July 19, 2007

okays.. firstly, thanks to nicole for helping me translate my name to korean..
so no more 수아.. now is 협설아 (Heom Seol Ah).. really thanks!

ya!! last day sleeping on my bed. Lok Yee is coming tomorrow. cant wait to see her. she's 2 years younger than me.. i have a one year younger sis already.. now another sister! i shall be dajie!! hahahas~ i will treat her dearly!! we are all excited!! hope she likes my bed!! mickey mouse blanket! hahahas~

i was not really in good mood this morning. i think didi sensed it. hahahas~ sorry ars!! liping knew what happened.. i actually wanna control my tears from falling. but... hais! i dont wish to say what is it, am i crying about. nothing serious!! sorry rongyi and audrey that i din tell u guys. just that it's really a small matter. u can ask liping lars.. hahhas~ but im alright now. after cryin..

i have pics to update but im lazy.. maybe i will post it tomorrow. not doing any homework cos i am not well.. my stomache.. and my legs are weak now... bleahs~

cyas!! miss dear~

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