

by - Monday, July 02, 2007

  • Seven to Give Last Japan Concert This Year
  • Singer Seven yet again proved his high popularity in Japan.
    Tickets to his 2007 Japan Tour in Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo that were released in late May were sold out in just one day.
    An official at the singer's agency in Japan says that thanks to enthusiastic fans, the 20,000 tickets were sold immediately without any particular promotion.
    Seven is currently working on an album for his advance to the US. Therefore the Japan tour will be his last production in the island nation for this year. He will perform in Nagoya on Saturday, Osaka on July 2, and Tokyo on the 7th and 8th, for a total of 4 concerts.
    He will stay in Japan promoting his 6th Japanese single until the end of July and head to the US in early August to record his debut US album.
  • Hallyu Romantic Festival 2007 Sweeps Japan

  • The Hallyu Romantic Festival 2007, which opened in Japan June 23, has drawn the spotlight from the Japanese media.
    Fuji TV covered the festival in-depth on June 25, lauding it as a gathering of the top Korean stars and a "dream show."
    Influential Japanese dailies also reported on the festival, with the Asahi Shimbun calling actor Ji Jin-hee a "trustworthy man" and the "ideal man for working women."
    The daily also conducted an in-depth interview with actor Cho In-sung, which will be published in July.
    Japanese fans also showed great interest in the festival, giving it rave reviews on major portal Web sites. Some wrote on Yahoo! Japan that the festival was a dream come true because they could see so many top Korean stars at once. Others said the four-hour festival ended too soon and that they had the time of their lives at the event. Japanese fans also praised Korean stars for showing consideration for the audience by descending from the stage to mingle with the audience during the finale of the festival.

  • RAIN在洛杉磯的演唱會臨時取消

  • 根據「活動網站」(arena's website)最新的報導指出,亞洲流行小天王南韓歌星Rain今天晚間在洛杉磯史鐵波活動中心的演唱會,演出前最後一刻被臨時取消。
  • 日本性感歌姬倖田來未加入「氣候危機演唱會」

  • 有日本「性感歌姬」之稱的倖田來未,決定要參加七月七號舉行的「Live Earth氣候危機演唱會」,她說,自從她看過前美國副總統高爾」的演講集「不願面對的真相」之後,她開始關心起環保問題來,她說,她的生活現在起了重大的變化,洗澡的時候,她不會再任由水龍頭開著,讓水不停流走,對於用過一次的毛巾,她也會想辦法再利用,她說,環保就和減肥差不多,沒辦法一步到位,只能每天在每件小事上持續努力。
    SE7EN 跆拳道3段卻沒路用

  • SJ人太多 掉2個沒發現

  • 日前來台參加金曲獎的南韓人氣團體Super Junior,最近在韓國公開最新單曲「幸福」MV,他們的電影處女作「花美男連續恐怖事件」已在韓國上映,人氣更上一層樓。
    「幸福」是Super Junior大師兄H.O.T於1997年發表的經典歌曲,充滿夏日風情,SJ表示:「說真的,要翻唱這首歌,還真有些壓力,不過我們會很努力地將屬於SJ的風格加在這首新歌上。」這首歌將收錄在台韓兩地7月發行的「07 SUMMER SM TOWN」合輯中。
  • 早安家族招收亞洲會員 讓台灣樂迷享有與日本相同福利

  • 台灣的早安粉絲真有福!繼6月15日在台灣開設首個中文網站之後,早安家族決定將從7月1日起正式招收海外Fan Club會員,現在亞洲各國的會員只要繳交僅僅台幣1300元的首次會費就可以享有與日本Fan Club會員完全相同的各項優惠!
    喜愛早安家族的亞洲歌迷終於可以參加日本Fan Club,為了替亞洲歌迷爭取權益,台灣豐華唱片在經過與日本事務所多次溝通,除了包括會刊及演唱會抽票、周邊購物等基本會員權益之外,更將計畫在亞洲各國舉辦的歌迷見面會及亞洲演唱會等相關活動,讓日本以外的會員都可以在最快時間獲得第一手資訊及優先參加活動或演唱會抽票的權利!
  • 日首席MIXTRUE天團Dragon Ash十週年 9月推精選開放樂迷票選

  • 日本首席MIXTRUE天團Dragon Ash終於要發精選!今年出道滿十週年的Dragon Ash,決定在9月5日推出精選輯,在官方網站上除了邀請眾多音樂人背書推薦,還要從7月1日起舉辦「你所選的最強歌曲是?Dragon Ash」投票活動,讓樂迷選出自己的最愛。
    90年代末期在日本樂壇引爆混種音樂瘋潮的Dragon Ash,無論單曲、專輯都會有令人驚奇的進化,99年「Viva La Revolution」更寫下200萬銷售記錄,讓他們成為日本樂壇的天團之一,在台灣如吳建恆、林哲儀都是DA超級樂迷。
    為了順應民意,DA要以網路票選加上團員自選來決定首張精選輯的曲目,無論是暢銷曲還是在演唱會的名曲,或者是自己珍愛的作品,樂迷們通通可以票選,Dragon Ash希望可以完成一張最屌的精選輯。此票選將從7月1日至7月14日止,於官方網站進行,樂迷們可要好好把握機會,為自己的愛團出力。
  • Super Junior的電影處女作《花美男連續恐怖事件》僅拍2個月就殺青

  • 韓國13人組男子團體「Super Junior」全員演出的恐怖喜劇片《花美男連續恐怖事件》製作費僅9億韓元(約3200萬元台幣),遠低於韓國去年電影平均25億8千萬韓元(約9169萬元台幣)的製作費用。該片製作費不高主因為,在拍攝前進行周密日程安排,在4月初開拍後,6月初便順利殺青,短短2個月拍了30次就完成了全片的拍攝工作。
    他們主演的《花》片由所屬SM經紀公司旗下的電影公司SM Pictures所策劃,敘述每個月14日高中校園都會發生以美男子為目標的恐怖殺人事件,於是校園中的3大風雲人物──始原、希澈、強仁皆被傳出將成為兇手下一個目標,所以學生們決定私下偵查與防堵事件發生的可能,也因此展開了屬於SJ搞笑風格的恐怖喜劇情節。該片預定7月26日在韓上映,而台灣的片商仍在洽談當中。
    他們翻唱師兄「H.O.T」1997年發行的經典歌曲《幸福》,是首活力十足的輕快節奏夏日之歌,該曲將收錄在台韓兩地七月發行的『07 SUMMER SM TOWN』合輯中。

  • SS501, Members Solo Songs Included in Single Going on Sale in August

  • Male group SS501's first Japan single album will be going on sale in August.
    SS501's company DSP Entertainment revealed "In the first single album that they will release in August in Japan, SS501 members' 5 types of genre solo songs will be included".
    Included in this album are a total of 3 new songs, similiar to title song "Kokoro". SS501's first single album's title song "Kokoro" is being used as the ending theme song for animation "Blue Dragon" which comes from a comic, "Blue Dragon", a new work by Toriyama Akira in 10 years. All members of SS501 participated in the recordings of 2 new songs and one solo song for each of them. Kim HyunJoong who had revealed his likings for rock music will have rock music as his solo song. Heo YoungSaeng and Kim KyuJong will have ballad songs, Park JungMin sings modern rock song. Magnae Kim HyungJoon will record a mid-tempo dance song.
    Their album will include 2 songs done by all members and one solo song by one member. Therefore, SS501's first single album will have a total of 5 types.
    DSP Entertainment revealed their plans "They will start their activities in Japan with the sale of their 1st single album in August. In mid September, they will release their 2nd single and in November, their official album."
    SS501 stayed in Japan-Tokyo from April to devote themselves in the preparation of their single album. SS501 performed in "Hanryu, Romantic Festival 2007" on the 23rd, held in Japan-Saitama prefacture. They used fluent Japanese in the interview which gathered much attention.

    Credits : Mydaily + SS601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte
  • DBSG vs SS501 Direct Competition of Pride with Japanese CD Releasing at the Same Time in August

  • ‘This time round, it's in Japan!’
    Major players of Korea idol group, Dong Bang Shin Gi and SS501 will have a round of direct competition in Japan.
    Currently staying in Japan for their activities, Dong Bang Shin Gi & SS501 will release their single album at the same time on 02-Aug.
    In order to capture the Japanese market, both groups ended their activities in Korea and will release their singles on the same day in Japan.
    Dong Bang Shin Gi will release their 12th single on that day while SS501 who is the first time crossing over to Japan, will release their debut single.
    Dong Bang Shin Gi and SS501, being representatives of Korea idol group, are about to face competition with each other. Their music company in Japan, Avex and Pony Canyon, are also rival music companies. As such, alot of attention was aroused on this competition of pride.
    A spokesperson said on the 27th, "Using Japan local strategy, the 2 groups are trying to make a stand in the industry, has coincidentally chosen the same date to release their single album. Korea local music industry-related people and Japanese music-related people are interested to know the result of the rival groups.
    Recently, Dong Bang Shin Gi had a tour in 9 different cities around Japan, gathering about 55,000 audience in total. SS501 is almost finished with the production of their single album. They will start the filming of their music video on the 26th in Japan and start to prepare for their activities.

    Credits : Newsen + SS601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte
  • SS501 finished filming MV and single to go on sale on 02-Aug

  • SS501 will conquest the Japanese islands this coming summer.
    SS501’s debut single album will go on sale this coming 02-Aug in Japan.
    In order to prepare for their debut in Japan, SS501 has to adapt and study in Japan. Striving for their preparation of their single album, SS501 intends to enter into the Japanese music industry with their D-day on 02-Aug.
    SS501 has almost finish the making of their single album currently and had finish filming their music video on the 26th & 27th. Their album will be released by Pony Canyon, a huge Japanese records company.
    In addition, a rival group, Dong Bang Shin Gi, is expected to also release their 12th single album on this same day.
    One party concerned said : “SS501 will be finally releasing their album in Japan after half a year of preparation. From the inner most desire to the localization strategy choice, this will be the destiny of new hanryu culture.”
    SS501 is devoted to their Japan activities this year, following which, it may be hard to see their local activities.

    Credits : Newsen + Ms.Lee @ SS601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte

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