

by - Monday, July 23, 2007

my stomach is not feeling well now.. hahahs~

today, our buddies joined us for lesson. teachers never teach much. hees~ managed to get most of their MSN. =D we went out for lunch today.. something that pissed me.. arghh!! dont ever let me see u in school anymore..or else i might shout at u! bloody idiot~ respect okay! okays~ we set out to River Boat Trip. hahhas~ so funny!! took many pics. i had seasick. not feeling well till now. my head still giddy! bleahs~ i left with the bus back to school. didnt join the rest at chinatown. slept in the bus.. really tired! my buddy's luggage is here!! hahas~ finally!! cabbed to CP to join family for dinner. we joked around.. hahahs!! then home. not doing homework still..cos lazy and tired!!

tomorrow, the hongkong students are going back. kinda miss them even Karen is still with me now. but after tomorrow, they will be back to where they are. everything for me will turn back and be the same again. hope i dont cry tomorrow!! =D

by the way, i will send the pics either tomorrow or wednesday. and will upload till the hongkong students send me theirs. okays? so stay tune!! blog again..

miss dear~

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