

by - Monday, July 16, 2007

school today was fine. except comments.. hahahas~ well, i dont treat them seriously. good or bad, it's none of others business. im okay with myself.. but was quite irritated by many 'WHYs'.. hahahs~ cos i dont know how to answer the question. so stop asking why. there's no why, why i wanna cut away my long hair.. perhaps, i just want it cut? hahahs~

listening.. i was the last candidate to reach the class. damn embarrassing. hahahs~ i didnt know everyone was so punctual. hahahas~ afterall, i think my full marks will not fulfill. cos i had different answers with my friends. hehs! nevertheless, i will buck up for my paper.

friday, the hongkongers are coming. we are excited. wanna bring them out. there's briefing on wed. hahahas~ will be late home..

bye my dear...

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