

by - Monday, July 09, 2007

im back. although i havent complete my homework cos im really tired after a day of math.. hahas!!

okays~ i wanna talk about this issue.
since when HDB set a rule that we cant open our main doors?
no right?

that old woman who is my neighbour, quarrelled with another neighbour of mine yesterday. i pity auntie as she has been tolerating that old woman. i heard from mummy that that old woman and her daughter went to auntie's house to scold her. WTH~ crazy! that old woman said: "why u all like to open your door?" eh hello~ for your info, you dont own my block. we like to open our door wide open is our freedom.. u have no rights to interfere. hahas~ she's making a fool of herself. we were like showing respect because she's an elderly and tried not to argue with her. yet she picking on us. crazy, isnt it? then she asked again," you and the --- that one (--- refers to my apartment number) keep talking together for what? what did u guys talked? why whenever --- wash the floor outside, you ask her over here or go over there to talk. you all are talking about me right?" *DOTS* crazy lars~ as if you have so many things to let others speak about you. must you have been doing something against your conscience that's why you feared that people are talking about you. she's really crazy in mind. hahahas~ auntie is already being good for not going to the police by saying that u harrass her. spare a thought for the kids alright?

i cant stand her daughter also. being an adult of the 21st century, she goes crazy with her mum and scolded auntie. DOTS! cant she differentiate between right and wrong? take a good care of your mum than interfering people's life alright?

so unfortunate to have neughbours like that old woman. *sigh*

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