this is not me.i wasnt like that.why am i like that now?what should i do?tell me how,tell me why?it's so long can i hang in there?for now, i hate myself.cos i wasnt like that.i feel useless right now. ...
소녀시대 Profiles!!
Monday, July 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
소녀시대 So Nyuh Shi DaeSm Entertainment New Girl Group.Debut Stage 02 August @ Inki Gayo! CREDITS: mnet, mjboa for uploading & AMBITION ...
NEWS!! 3007
Monday, July 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
Kim Hee Sun's Fiance Is RevealedKim Hee Sun, 30, is going to get married on October 19 at Ashton House Garden of Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel, according to Mydaily. Only family members, relatives, and friends are invited. Kim Hee Sun’s fiancé, Park Joo Young, is 3 years older than her. Park Joo Young is an entrepreneur and graduated from Yonsei University. Kim Hee Sun and Park Joo Young met with each other at the end...
Monday, July 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
oh my, complicated feelings are coming again!! shucks!shoo shoo~ go away from me!!!i had a slight fever just now. after that, i feel tired..hahahas!!to my dear, i know i have not been blogging regularly and many things are not update like pics, news etc.. ya~ i gonna do it soon already!! by the way, i will not change blogskin for August. no time to make it cos of school you can see, i am...
Sunday, July 29, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!it's midnight now!!and im still here but sleeping, went to NDP preview again. this time is damn high!! took may pics with dajie and erjie. hahahas!! put tatoo too!! i never do that b4 as i hate it!! hahahs~ i liek the whole thing. and and!! the firework was like just infront of me, damn close!! i can see it so clearly. i video it... will post soon.. now no time.. hahahs!! happy saturday!!...
slacking now..later meeting erjie for NDP preview!!yay!! hahhas~ cyas.. gonna do some math now! ...
Friday, July 27, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos dear~!!!yesterday,after school, went out to the coffee shop with sarah and charmaine. chit chatted... hahahas!! shared jokes and we kept laughing!! 'Nobody~'..hahhaas!! attended the book talk by Mr Adrian Tan. hahhas~ he is very lame!! his dry humor is really... no comments lars!! sarah bought both of his books. left half way. rushed home to bathe and changed. out to meet classmates and met the rest at Somerset. had our buffet dinner at Sakura....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
everything went back as normal. i still everyone of them. the days we're together. so fun!i has never been so happy and laugh naturally.weiting just sent me a funny photo!! i wanna kill myself now!!vincent! how can you take a pic of us like that! i looked so dumb!! hahahas~i shall grab your pics! hahas~ vincent was our video man..hahas!!school today was fine. finally met GFs for recess!! hahahas~ i have not been to recess...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!!karen is back in Hongkong.i miss her! and also everyone from Shatin.our friendship starts on the 20th July. this is when i first know her. i rmb we sat together and had our dinner. then, i get to know Michelle and Jennifer. although we were shy towards each other but we had a great time.2nd day, we went to school together. sat in the bus and off we go to Little India and Kampong Glam....
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
when can everything, everywhere be bright?when there will peace?when there will be no hatred?when there will be love?when will i see you?when will i disappear? ...
Monday, July 23, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my stomach is not feeling well now.. hahahs~today, our buddies joined us for lesson. teachers never teach much. hees~ managed to get most of their MSN. =D we went out for lunch today.. something that pissed me.. arghh!! dont ever let me see u in school anymore..or else i might shout at u! bloody idiot~ respect okay! okays~ we set out to River Boat Trip. hahhas~ so funny!! took many pics. i had seasick. not...
Sunday, July 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
i had not been blogging. so now, there's time for me!! hahahas~friday,went back to school. waited for Shatin students to come. assembled at the Asethetics room. then, toured around the school.had our dinner and home. ms tee drove chaywei and i home. thank you!Saturday,woke up early. we ate bread. took bus to school... went to the coffee shop to meet up the rest. ahahas~ had our briefing with our buddies about Kampong Glam and Little...
Friday, July 20, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
today is great! i am alright!thanks to rongyi for buying food for me during recess! was released late from recess. cos mrs ho told us something. she is not going to teach us anymore. her last day in school and in SG will be next friday. well, to be frank, i dont really like her lessons but now it's getting better. not that really hate. well, all the best to mrs ho and hope u...
last day with my bed~
Thursday, July 19, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
okays.. firstly, thanks to nicole for helping me translate my name to no more 수아.. now is 협설아 (Heom Seol Ah).. really thanks!ya!! last day sleeping on my bed. Lok Yee is coming tomorrow. cant wait to see her. she's 2 years younger than me.. i have a one year younger sis already.. now another sister! i shall be dajie!! hahahas~ i will treat her dearly!! we are all excited!! hope she likes my...
oh gosh, please~
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello dear~im here!!just came back from school not long. we had inter-class debate com. with the sec 3Es. we lost.. hahahas~ but it's okay lars. went home after that. i have to go to school later again for briefing.. sians! i am not doing math these few days. yesterday was sick, today is busy..i hope mrs thang won't nag at me. hehs!oh gosh, please~yup, my title.please be original kays.. why am i saying this.i blog...
"May 18" or "Splendid Holiday"
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
it's a korean movie starred by Lee Jun Ki and others, "화려한 휴가".. i think it's about the Korea History.. ive watched the trailer.. really saddening alright? if SG is to show it, i will definitely go watch.. i think it will be rated either NC16 or M18 cos there is violence and bloody scene.hahahas~ i like this kinda history shows lars. that's why i like humanities. maybe?just watching the trailer already making me cry.....
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
oh my~ i am feeling terrible now. my head is spinning. shoot me kays? not feeling well yet still using com. hehs!just came back not long from school. school ended late today.. very late.. i have lessons till 4.30pm. shag! i think i'm gonna feel math test terribly cos i was not feeling good.. rahh!!! when can i improve. fish me! went to see mrs wong for the hongkong thingy. yup.. friday! wow~ everyday is...
Monday, July 16, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
school today was fine. except comments.. hahahas~ well, i dont treat them seriously. good or bad, it's none of others business. im okay with myself.. but was quite irritated by many 'WHYs'.. hahahs~ cos i dont know how to answer the question. so stop asking why. there's no why, why i wanna cut away my long hair.. perhaps, i just want it cut? hahahs~listening.. i was the last candidate to reach the class. damn embarrassing....
Say Goodbye to My Hair..
Sunday, July 15, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
sobs!dear~my long hair is gone for, short.. yes! really really short!i know you will miss my hair.. but it's gone.wait for about a year to let it grow kies?im not regretting. dont laugh at me tomorrow! hhahas~i miss my long hair now.. it's like a loved one leave me. hahahs~nevertheless, i will love my current hair. hahahas~so love the new me! hahahas~choose to hate me if u want! hahahas~bye dear~cyas tomorrow! ...
NEWS!! 1407
Saturday, July 14, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
TVXQ will NOT perform in M CountdownTVXQ will not be performing M Countdown in Japan on 5th August. A staff stated this as there were many fans who called and ask about this. That is why the staff had to make this special announcement regarding this.This MCountdown in Japan will be aired on 9th August on M Net.Performers include Super Junior, Minwoo, Paran, Battle etc.Source : Baidu +cyxion+TVXQ-INTERTranslation credit 13th Japan Single13 th single...
Saturday, July 14, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
sunflower~to agnes!rongyi&judythe boys!mr singh&xuee!!! (finally)rongyi&ms kuckxuee&ms kuckms tee&rongyi&xueehahhas~...eugene&peggyeugene&xuee&rongyi&judymrs lee&the girls!rongyi&(i dont noe her name)mdm liew&the girls!! ...
hello! =D
Saturday, July 14, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my dear~i know you miss me!!hahahas~now im here.. i will upload the pics for yesterday concert later...i cant find my classmates yesterday to take pics.. rahh!!hahhaas~yesterday's concert is good! i saw many people dozing off. hahahas~dont know music!hahahas~ joking!i woke up early today!!left house around 10+... to change my passport photo..waited damn long. bought 2 pairs of shirt. hees!!went home the way!!!!!!ANYONE INTERESTED TO HOST THE COMING STUDENTS OF THE BICULTURE EXCHANGE.. PLS CONTACT...
Friday, July 13, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
BeforeAfter!!yohoo!!im going out soon. nevertheless, im blogging..hahahas~but a short one..thanks chaywei for lending me that thing.. and she's going too.. so sorry~hehs!!and and!! my hairdresser!! my MUMMY!!! i love you!!she's the one who dress me up!! =Di will come back with pictures... cyas!!and and miss me!!aww~ im hungry.. off to meet friends!!bye bye! ...
Thursday, July 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
sorry to readers who read about NEWS updates.. i am busy with school work recently so i hasnt been updating u guys. For the next few days or so, i might be able to put it up cos i am busy.really sorry for that. However, do visit regularly to check on. Once again, Sorry~ ...
Thursday, July 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
i am tired now.. and also taking a break after cracking some math having a slight headache right now....tomorrow is friday!! at night, xinfony.. HEES!!!thanks chaywei for lending me the thing. =Daww, suppose to go straight home tomorrow after sch.. but i have a meeting with ms tee regarding the HK trip. why must it be at 1.30pm? and i could actually reach home by 1pm!arghh!! not blaming ms tee lars... but why? i...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
0107LEE TEUK (Super Junior- Leader)0207MIYAKE KEN (V6)0407- AKANISHI JIN (KAT -TUN)- MASUDA TAKAHISA (NEWS)0907KUSANAGI TYUYOSHI (SMAP)1007KIM HEECHUL (Super Junior)1107- Katô Shigeaki (NEWS)- SUN YE (Wonder Girls)- IVYHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!!! ...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
afternoon dear~today's lessons were very boring. i almost fell asleep in class. first period physics..hahahs~ then english. tingwei kept saying 'SIAN'. indeed... we kept looking at the clock. hahahas~ get to rest after english. had lunch with liping, jac, fran, hafiz and syakir!! hahahs~ went home after that.just finish my math xms p1. lots of blank... sucks lars. i thinki gonna do p2 later. cyas!hahahas~bye for now.. ...
boring... and study..
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hahhas~ weird title, isnt it?starting to get worry about my studies lately. hope i can really really do well this semester.hahahs~ at least a great improvement. i wanna challenge myself! i shall stop thinking about retaining again!! yeps!! must not even think.. so what i had retained once, im not that gal in the past already. i am learning! hahahas~ i swear. i am really learning now.just finish doing my english. havent do the worksheet....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
it's only tuesday and im tired!! hahahas~school today was boring. that's what i wanna say.tomorrow's wed. a short day.. but i think i am staying back to do my work! =Dhahahas~wanna welcome Adeline and Tingwei to the family!! hahhaas~bye dear~ ...
Monday, July 09, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
dear~im back. although i havent complete my homework cos im really tired after a day of math.. hahas!!okays~ i wanna talk about this issue.since when HDB set a rule that we cant open our main doors?no right?that old woman who is my neighbour, quarrelled with another neighbour of mine yesterday. i pity auntie as she has been tolerating that old woman. i heard from mummy that that old woman and her daughter went to auntie's...
yoyo!!today was fine. stayed back after school to do math with weiting, joanne, chay wei and claris..hahahas~i have so much to say.. i think i will blog later.. cos i need to do my homework.oh ya~ ive sent mails to Alfa music and Brothers Entertainment.. alfa music hasnt reply.. whereas Bros ent, the hacker replied me. i deleted the mail. hahas~ not gonna get fooled by it.wish me luck dear~ ...
SM's New Girl Group!!
Sunday, July 08, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
No. 1 Yoon ANo. 2 Tiffany (stephanie hwang)No. 3 Yuricredits: yahoo + soompi, suejinners & cmy 185---------------that's not all!! SM will reveal each member day by i will update again.. stay tune!by the way, this group have been rumoured to debut.. and now, finally, they are coming out! ...
Sunday, July 08, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
thanks my dear apple! hahas~you are a sweet apple...we must be happy alright?thanks for listening to me~im not stress nor unhappy anymore..we should be happy when people look for us, isnt it?thank you so much~as u know i dont tell my feelings to anyone. you are a rare one!hahahs~end here... gonna do homework later~ive finish p1.not gonna touch p2 yet.. gonna do english first!bye dear~ ...
Saturday, July 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my heart is feeling lonely.once again, no. it came, who's there to give me a hand.again, am i trusting the correct person?i hate all this...once again, i hate humans.again, im regretting.who to turn to?who will listen?who to trust?who to joke?who to sing?who to pick me up again?who to give me a hand?....................................... ...
afternoon dear~i woke up 11..watched tv.. here comes KangXi.hahas~ cos 星光帮 were guests.ahh~ my fringe getting longer..gonna trim it. blehs~ gonna start doing homework soon.. feel like eating suddenly.. siians!hahahs~ be back later.. gonna search for food!bye~ ...
hello dear~sorry to be late today. hahas~school today was alright ya? mrs wong is so cute...mdm liew said 409 are angels! ahahas~ really fun during SS lesson today. hahas~ahh!! i have many homeworks during weekend!! siian~ english and math! so tomorrow not going anywhere only home to complete my assignments! no more time!went kbox with cat, sinmei, ben, chinwee and rongyi. hahas~ ben and chinwee damn funny alright? really entertained by them..hahahs!!! home after
hope to have fun tomorrow!!weekend is coming again!!not really in high mood but still, i am XUEE!feel like blogging..i think i cant leave my dear alone..dear=my blog & readers!wanna get SM Town Summer Album. =Dlike i said before, say what u want..and im still me, myself.of course, jokes are jokes..dont get to overboard. cos i will get mad!and REAL MAD!hahahs~life sucks with irritating people around! hahas~goodnight my dear~love! ...
i dont wish to say anything. i am just feeling blue. so let me shut myself today was fine. mrs ho was not here again. wonder what happened to her. =Dto GFs, i am tryin to isolate myself next few days from all of you. i dont wish to say anything about it. so.. just let me be~how i wish my group of friends will be like my classmates, being crazy, laughing, joking. but...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
school today was slacky! hhahas~i only have physics today..the rest was just doing assigned work and an hour of free period. hahahas~ shiok!oral!went to the venue with eugene. seated at our respective places and the exam started. at first, we were all crapping. ahas~ all of us were nervous. hahas~ soon, seeing people in front of me left, my hand turn colder. everytime i get nervous, my palm will feel cold and i cant speak...
NDP Rehersal Pictures!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
the locationnice!!the balloon that peg wantedgees!wow!!the hostsJuz-Bthey are coming down~jiayou~my man~safe!parade~GOOD!performanceskaters!viewviews!this is cool!finale 12others!END! ...
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