
by - Friday, June 01, 2007

back from school...

it was raining.. damn unlucky again. there were 2 boys who are waiting for taxi too. but i came first.. so they were like tryin to snatch with me. i cross the road to catch my bus. so not gentleman lurhs!! what kind of boy is this... snatching with a girl. BOO~ hahas!! meeting rongyi and peggie later... tmr maybe out with them again.

hahahas~ i dont give a damn alright?
得饶人处且饶人 (hope correct)
shall not argue with it.. hahahas~
it just a small matter only..but hurt my pride. so it's not easy for me to forgive..
it may takes forever~ hahahas~
ya... im stubborn!! accept it or not...it's your problem...

oh ya~ to singaporeans who love KPOP and JPOP..
i went HMV the day before. for JPOP, i saw Kanjani8's latest single, TegoMass, Kinki Kids tec.. alot of JPOP latest album/singles are there.. check it out if u want~
for KPOP, i think i saw DBSG only... hahas~ if i ever visit later, i will try to spot some..

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