
by - Saturday, June 23, 2007


  • SM Entertainment 'S' Magazine, 1st Issue cover page - TVXQ
  • SM Entertainment, has set to release a magazine called “S” on June 20.
    In the first issue, TVXQ is on the cover. TVXQ’s recent condition, BoA’s theme interview, KangTa’s music talk, Super Junior’s summer fashion advices and TSZX the Grace talking about cooking will be featured.

    credit: yukki @ tvxq-inter
  • SS501 SPECIAL EVENT TOUR confirmed!

  • *SPECIAL EVENT TOUR Confirmed! 「SS501”Heart to Heart” meets Sapporo/Nagoya/Osaka/Fukuoka/Tokyo」

    09/05 (Wed) PENNY LANE24[Sapporo]
    09/10 (Mon) Zepp Nagoya[Nagoya]
    09/12 (Wed) Namba Hatch[Osaka]
    09/14 (Fri) DRUM LOGOS[Fukuoka]
    09/18 (Tue) Zepp Tokyo[Tokyo]
    09/19 (Wed) Zepp Tokyo[Tokyo]
    Doors open at 18:00/ Performance start at 19:00 (For 09/05 Sapporo only, doors open at 18:00/ Performance starts at 18:30)
    - Details such as ticket sales date will be announced on this site after 07/01 (Sun).
    - The TOUR this time, will consist of talks & live (singing?), hope that you can understand. It will be different from the debut commemoration event to be held in August.
    - SS501 OFFICIAL FC 「Triple S Japan」members can pre-book their tickets (But in situations that the purchase exceeds prescribed tickets, we will go by drawing lots). Details will be announced in Member Page (restricted page for members only) on 06/28. Members who join the fan club before 07/02 will be able to pre-book the tickets.

    Credits : DSP Japan + 인삼 @ SS601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte

  • SS501 1st MAXI Single Title CONFIRMED!

  • 2007.8.1 on sale - 1st Maxi Single 「Kokoro」
    Television Tokyo animation "Blue Dragon" ending theme
    PCCA24822487 1,260yen each

    5 type of 1st limited edition + 1 type of normal edition, total of 6 types will be on sale.Jacket design is different for each type.As for the song list, the 2 songs sung by all members will be in all types.And the 3rd song will be a different individual song for each type (all members + individual solo songs)
    The solo song included will potray the individuality attractiveness the individual. For full details, please contact Pony Canyon HP.

    *For people who buys all 6 types, all will receive SS501 merchandise present! (by application)*Debut Commemoration Event has been decided to be held in August!Details to August event will be announced later, please wait patiently for it. Thank you very much.
    *「Kokoro」 will be released through Pony Canyon 「MUSIC CONFERENCE 2007」 (Pony Canyon private showcase with their artists) held today. The public release of the song will be recorded on 02-Jul (Mon) through NHK 「MUSIC JAPAN」」(O.A date should be in mid July/ will let you know when it's confirmed). Please look forward to it!

    Credits : 인삼님 @ Bestiz + 시크 @ ss601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte
  • SS501 Japan Debut, Same Stage with Hamasaki Ayumi

  • Popular group SS501 stands on the same stage as J-POP star Hamasaki Ayumi during their 1st performance in Japan.
    On 02-July, SS501 will record for TV NHK music program “Music Japan” together with Hamasaki Ayumi, Morning Museme, Kimura Kae, etc.
    SS501 will feature their single title song “Kokoro”, which is expected to be released in Japan on 01-Aug, in “Music Japan”. SS501’s “Kokoro” is the ending theme song for TBS animation series “Blue Dragon”. SS501 will fully debut through their debut stage in “Music Japan”.
    "Music Japan” that SS501 appears in will be aired on 13-Jul, at (night) 12:40 through NHK Channel.

    Credits : My Daily + 501스런하루 @ SS601
    English Translation : xiaochu @ Quainte
  • Korean Singers to Appear in China Concert

  • The ITFM RNX Hallyu Concert will open in Wuxi, China July 11. The event gathering many Korean stars together will be held to wish success for the Global Korean Fashion/Beauty Expo on August 8.
    The concert for Chinese citizens will be attended by many notable Korean singers including Kangta, Son Ho-young, Ivy, LPG, Jang Keun-suk and Tim.
    News of Kangta's appearance is already attracting great interest. The other singers, who are all widely recognized in China and Japan based on their multifaceted singing, dancing and acting talents, are set to reignite the Hallyu boom.One of the world's largest fashion malls, ITFM, is drafting strategies to successfully hold the concert and the expo.
  • BoA Takes 14th Spot on Oricon Album Chart

  • Singer BoA has taken the 14th spot on the Oricon album chart's rankings for the first half of this year.
    The top spot was given to Mister Children, followed by Koda Kumi, Hamasaki Ayumi, YUI, Exile, and others.
    BoA sold 348,093 copies of her fifth album "Made in Twenties" after releasing it in January. The album, which marked the singer's 20th birthday and her coming-of-age, topped the Oricon daily and weekly charts on the day of its release.
    All six of BoA's albums released in Japan topped the weekly Oricon chart, with five of the singer's full-length albums topping the weekly chart in succession.
  • Paran to Perform in Vietnam

  • The band Paran will perform in Vietnam next month following performances in China and Thailand to mark the 15th anniversary of Korea-Vietnam diplomatic ties.
    Organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Korea Culture and Content Agency, the upcoming concert will feature singers who have contributed greatly to spreading Korean culture overseas and promising up-and-coming artists.
    Paran’s popularity in Southeast Asia has soared recently. The band has been preparing a concert that will be the largest in scale in Thailand among all Korean artists who have ever performed in that country.
    The band’s members are determined to publicize Korean culture and music to the world through the upcoming concert.
  • Boa to Sing for Japanese Drama

  • Korean singing star Boa is to sing the ending score for Japan's longest-running TV drama, "Saturday Wide Theater." Marking its 30th anniversary, this popular drama invited Boa to sing a song titled "Smile Again" for the show's ending credits.
    Her new song will be aired starting on July 14th and is expected to heighten the excitement of the drama. Boa is the seventh singer to sing the ending song for the "Saturday Wide Theater," following famous Japanese singers such as Seiko Matsuda.
    Boa said that she wanted to tell people to "seize happiness and laugh," and help them feel hope and gain courage through the song.

  • 楊宗緯簽入華研 最快10月發片

  • 已退出「超級星光大道」的楊宗緯因禍得福,搶先其他「星光幫」夥伴獲得唱片約,成為華研唱片旗下S.H.E的師弟,最快10月就能推出個人專輯。
  • 「Super Junior」成員神童和楊千霈跳恰恰被拱結婚

  • 韓國團體13人組偶像團體「Super Junior」上周為金曲獎首度登「台」,來台時間僅短短41小時,卻展現出無比的超人氣。金曲獎頒獎典禮來不及播出的後台幕後花絮也終於正式大公開!他們在金曲獎表演結束之後隨即接受金曲獎幕後直擊主持人楊千霈專訪,除大秀中文外,成員神童還與楊千霈大跳恰恰,默契好到當場被其他成員送作堆,對著他們大喊:「結婚!結婚!新郎新娘送入洞房!」
    Super Junior這段自然又搞笑的超精采內容,將於今晚(23日)10時於東風電視台播出『娛樂@亞洲~金曲幕後花絮』,風趣又直接的表演特色讓Super Junior的全方位藝人潛質展露無疑。
    而他們日前發行的紀念版台灣限量獨賣單曲《U台灣限定豪華版EP2》也被搶購一空,形成全台大缺貨的難得現象,於今日(22日)全省緊急補貨,不僅買了EP還可能獲得Super Junior超人氣的搶手大海報。
  • Rain藝名使用權官司獲勝 演唱會順利舉行

  • 亞洲小天王」Rain的藝名使用權官司獲勝,往後得以在美國使用「Rain」這個名字展開演藝活動。美國內華達州法院21日駁回禁止使用「Rain」這名字的訴訟,因此Rain30日的洛杉磯演唱會依舊仍可以「Rain’s coming」為名如期舉行。
    當初搖滾樂團「Rain」所屬唱片公司「Rain Corporation」於今年2月20日,向美國內華達州(Wikipedia)法院提起訴訟,要求Rain方面不得在美國境內使用「Rain」這名稱,上月15日還提出禁用臨時處理申請,要求禁止Rain在演出中使用藝名「Rain」,他的美國演唱會因此被迫延期。負責巡演的主辦單位表示:「因為演唱會已經延期,所以亞特蘭大、紐約、舊金山等地的巡演打算將在10月左右舉行,我們會盡快公布巡演日期。」
    下周一(25日)是Rain25歲生日,台灣Bi with Rain影友會將於周日(24日)下午2時在台北市仁愛路1段青少年育樂中心5樓的Y17流行廣場舉行「2007年Rain生日會暨關懷老人義賣餐會」,當天義賣所得將捐給台東基督教醫院興建老人關懷之家,屆時共襄盛舉的「雨迷」也將切蛋糕、喝香檳開心.
  • 「野蠻王妃」尹恩惠7月4日來台和粉絲分享卸妝心得

  • 「野蠻王妃」尹恩惠下月4日將來台會粉絲!她因韓劇《宮 野蠻王妃》在台走紅,3度來台的她今年初接下DHC保養品台灣區廣告代言,銷售成績也隨她的人氣持續上升,目前正在趕拍新劇《咖啡王子1號店》的她,因此特地向劇組請假來台為DHC造勢。
    尹恩惠曾為女子團體「Baby V.O.X」成員之一,後來退團於去年轉戰戲劇界一炮而紅,成為炙手可熱的廣告小天后,她去年更以7億韓元(約2500萬元台幣)高價代言DHC台韓中3地廣告,創下偶像新人廣告代言的最高價碼。
  • WaT單飛不解散 小池徹平出新輯

  • 日本人氣創作偶像雙人組WaT,今年開春各自發行了單飛不解散單曲後,小池徹平卻突然消失,搭檔瑛士則轉戰戲劇、主持工作,小池日前推出個人首張創作專輯「初告白」,終於解開眾人疑慮,原來他消失期間是為了埋首寫歌。


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