
by - Saturday, June 02, 2007


  • TVXQ, Super Junior, CSJH The Grace, Kangta, Jang Riin and other SM artists will all perform for SM Town's Seoul Summer Concert.
  • Investing in Korea's largest video preparation, the whole place will be filled with screens showing the stage.A bigger scale is that this music festival used up more than 400 LEDs (light) while other concerts for other singers only require around 150.
    Using V-DOSC as their sound system, audiences will be able to hear the best music no matter where they are.
    Plus, they've also prepared more than 100 dry ice and 30 over spotlights.SM Town Seoul Summer Concert will begin on 23rd June in Pusan, 30th June and 1st july in Seoul and 7th July as their last stop.
    Kangta and TVXQ will fly back to Korea from China and Japan respectively for this concert while it'll be the first time for CSJH, Super Junior and Jang Riin to show up in such big concert.
    SM's summer album will consists songs from all 5 groups and it'll also be the first time for them to perform together on stage.The first batch of pre-order for Pusan and Seoul has already been sold-out while the second batch will begin on 29th.

    Translation credit : Amanda@cyxion.net, KIM JUNFU @ TVXQ-INTER
    Source : Baidu
  • SS501 Japanese Single Release Date
  • Hello everyone. This is DSP Ent.I'm very glad to be able to often present to everyone SS501's recent news in Japan.
    It's news about them trying their best efforts to prepare right?Even if you're separated as far as it can by.
    To SS501, every TripleS member who always protects is the most important.If this sentence was not said, everyone already knew right?
    Today's news is something that makes one very happy.
    On August 1st, SS501 has already decided to release their first Japanese single.The single this time includes 1 ordinary version and 5 special versions made up of a total of 6 kinds, they will be on sale at the same time.
    Regarding the speciality of the single types, I will explain as follows:The original version recorded all of the members singing together for 3 songs.In it there will be member's individual pictures and group pictures.In addition, limited copies will record 2 songs in the ordinary version, and 1 members' individual solo song, for a total of 3 songs.
    In it, the member's pictures will be based on the recording solo singer.
    This is the members' first time attempting solo songs, I invite everyone to give a huge amount of enthusiasm and anticipation.
    (You) can get a feel of the songs the members himself normally wants to sing or the style of the song he likes.
    The single will be released at the beginning of August, following it will be the start of a large number of activities.
    In the future, I will continue to give everyone even more good news.

    Credits: DSP + (Chinese translation)wiluf@www.5dcastle.cn + DoubleS501.com + (English translation)heart2heart@Quainte501.com
  • SS501 Hiatus
  • SS501 announced that they will confine themselves for 5 months. Though SS501 is currently staying in Japan, they will not be exposing themselves to the press/public during this period.
    SS501's company DSP Entertainment says "SS501's recent activities are taken charge by the planning company in Japan, not DSP. Understand from the Japan planning company, as part of their promotion planning, they will refrain SS501 from making contact with the public through interviews, press appearances & etc before they come back with an album. You will be able to see SS501's image when they release their single around Aug/Sep".
    Following SS501's Japan Planning Company's strategy, needless to say, it is planned that they will contrain their press appearance and interviews locally (Korea) as well. Even though SS501 is quite well-recognised in Japan, but in order to debute as a newcomer in the Japanese scene, they are taking step by step preparation for it.
    From DSP side, they said, "We plan to release two SS501 japanese single. Because of that, it is necessary for them to learn Japanese. SS501 has come to learn Japanese from the begining of their debute, but in order to make themselves being understood perfectly, they strived to study more Japanese. They will refrain from making contact with the outside (public), and in order to enter to the Japanese scene, they will devote all their engergies on their debute.
    In the upcoming 5 months, SS501 will devote themselves in the activities in Japan. For a period of time, they will not have time for Korea, but throwing in all their attention on their activities in Japan. SS501 left for Japan on 29-Apr in order to do the activities in Japan.

    Credits : SS601.com + 한국아이닷컴 + xiaochu @ Quainte501 .com
  • 金曲慶功演唱 怕得主喝掛
  • 金曲獎頒獎典禮翌日,首創慶功演唱會「當我們同在金曲」,除安排獲獎歌手上台演唱,今年發片無緣角逐獎項的歌手包括S.H.E、陳奕迅、黃立行、飛輪海、阿沁、黃義達等都在邀請名單之列,相較頒獎典禮星光不減反增,主持人侯佩岑挑戰體力、耐力,將與天心接棒主持。
  • TANK穩坐金曲票選季軍寶座
  • 創作歌手TANK近來人氣極旺,在金曲獎歌迷票選部分,從眾家人氣歌手中脫穎而出,擠上季軍,而在新加坡更被知名保養藥廠相中,成為痘痘藥代言人,TANK都很意外,直呼:「沒想到有人會找我代言保養品耶!」
  • 藤本美貴因緋聞退出「早安少女組」 高橋愛接任隊長

  • 「早安少女組。」藤本美貴退團!才剛於5月6日接下隊長一職的藤本美貴,上月底被八卦雜誌「FRIDAY」拍到和搞笑組合「品川庄司」的庄司智春交往,在與經紀公司商談後決定退團,藤本美貴表示發生此事已經沒資格做隊長,接下來會繼續以個人與「GAM」成員身份進行演藝活動。
  • ZARD坂井泉水告別式 樂迷淚送:「謝謝妳!」

  • 因為失足不慎過世的日本女歌手ZARD坂井泉水,30日在東京町田市舉辦告別式,除了約20位親友到場,由於所有儀式都不開放,媒體和樂迷均只能在外頭等待,在靈車要駛向火葬場的時候,現場有人忍不住哭喊:「泉水,謝謝妳」,目送這位日本音樂史上佔有重要地位的歌姬!
  • 「KAT-TUN」6月分開玩? 日媒盛傳:12月停止活動

  • 好不容易又湊回六人的傑尼斯超人氣團體KAT-TUN可能在今年玩完!?日本最新一期的「BUBKA」報導,KAT-TUN在6月全國巡迴演唱會結束後,很有可能會打散成三組,而KAT-TUN最快會在12月宣布停止活動。
  • 男女嘻哈組合「大和美姬丸」苦盡甘來 精選輯奪冠

  • 堪稱日本近兩年最強的嘻哈雙人組「大和美姬丸」,5月初在日本發行首張精選輯「美姬丸全精選+新歌」拿下生涯首次冠軍,一償兩人出道四年來的宿願,成為日本新世代年輕男女的嘻哈新指標。

    Source: YAHOO TAIWAN

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