hellos!!good night dear~just came back not long. i had a wonderful day today. i went NDP rehersal with peggie and her cousin. before that, peggie came to my house first. then we went to erjie's house to get the tickets. next, we went CP to have our lunch and peg's cousin came to join us. mummy passed me the money and we left to take mrt. mummy alighted at Potong Pasir while the three of...
Saturday, June 30, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos everyone!!im here again~spent alot of time doing my skin...i hope it's better compared to the previous skins.just get to hear a shocking news!SOUL's ISHI passed away~R.I.P!!peeps! cheer up~tomorrow may be going to get my cap before GST rises. hahahas~maybe going to NDP rehersal too. anyone wanna join me? i can ask whether there is ticket.ciaos peeps!have a nice weekends! ...
나 웃기다 짓다 하지 마세요.hope im right?hahahas~너를 좋아해요. ...
eyes hurt!
Thursday, June 28, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my right eye hurts!!pain!!=((no mood to blog.. oral next week and im nt ready yet!!hais~ ...
hooray~ finally, i can answer probability questions!! and get it correct!! YAY!!ahahahas~practice do make perfect!!i am very happy now!!gonna practice more!!byezz!! ...
i am tired today!!hahas~ slow reaction from the start of the day. hahahs~school was fine. nothing goes wrong. CME, was doing some group work. then after that, proceeded to the library. saw momo, xinyi, janessa and nasri!! group work again. went search for answers..hahas!! then we had a chat with mrs ho about the Japan trip. the pupils from there seem quite rich. their school is near the F1 race track. cool rite? hahas~ after...
hello dear~school today was okays~ hahas!! i am abit tired now cos my lesson ended at 2.30pm. bleahs~ i know it's bull-shitting but i'm really tired. hahaas~ ssm said my blog dont look like Singapore. hahas~ isit?? so what's SG type? hahahas~ recess was funny. i feel sorry for the 2 boys behind me. but u guys did buy first in the end right? hahas~ and that prefect! can u just shut? so what u...
my lunch meal!!amazing right? hahahas~ dont learn~ it's not healthy!!clearer view!! FISHBALLS!! ...
1st day of school!!new semester~school was not so bad~ hahahas!! but the weather is terrible!! damn freaking humid!!wasnt paying attention during mr tee's lesson. sorry~hahas!! assembly was band performance. i like some of the songs. am going for the band concert too. i have to finish my homework today. done half of my essay. still writing it~ siian!! really dont know what to write. so i just come up with one. hahas~okay, now some emo...
hello, my dear!!from tomorrow onwards, im resuming my busy days. yup!! it's gonna be busy~ prelims are coming real soon. not much time to waste. failed badly for mid-yr and i cannt afford to fail at prelims. so i will work very hard~=D so do everyone okay?? hahas~ quite reluctant to go back to school as i havent enjoy my holidays. and and.. lessons are ending late for me on Monday and Tuesday. sucks! hahas~...
ahh!!rotting now~ hahas! waiting for the files to be transfer.when can i get my new bag!! eager to see it!! hahahas~i hope tomorrow comes later. cos after tomorrow, i have to go back to school. blahs!!hate it!! dont u? hahas~bear with me kay? crapping session~oh ya~to 409,i think there is some amendments made on our time-table. better check it again okays? cos im not sure too. but i think they change. hahahs~ miss my classmates!...
NEWS!!SM Entertainment 'S' Magazine, 1st Issue cover page - TVXQSM Entertainment, has set to release a magazine called “S” on June 20.In the first issue, TVXQ is on the cover. TVXQ’s recent condition, BoA’s theme interview, KangTa’s music talk, Super Junior’s summer fashion advices and TSZX the Grace talking about cooking will be featured.Source:shinyee@kpop+Newsen.comcredit: yukki @ tvxq-inter-------------------------SS501 SPECIAL EVENT TOUR confirmed!*SPECIAL EVENT TOUR Confirmed! 「SS501”Heart to Heart” meets Sapporo/Nagoya/Osaka/Fukuoka/Tokyo」09/05 (Wed) PENNY LANE24[Sapporo]09/10 (Mon) Zepp Nagoya[Nagoya]09/12...
HAPPY BELATED BDAE TO~190607-Shin KiHyeon 신기현 (BATTLE)!!!220607-Inoo Kei 伊野尾慧 (J.J.Express)!!! ...
good afternoon!!!gonna rush my homework today. time flies yar?monday i have to go back to school already. have to wake up damn early~ rahh!!i want to wake up abit later!! i dont wanna go back to school!!! my short holidays!!school resume means O level nearer... i dont want~yups! i love mummy and daddy!!mummy told daddy about the cap i like. daddy approved on buying if i am to wear it often and not letting it...
it doesnt really matter~hahas~i like being who i am...i accept comments... people judge me differently. i dont blame anyone of them. cos me too~so from now onwards, i will not care what others think of me anymore.if u think im a bitch, so be it.if u think im a good person, so be it.i will not care nor hear anymore.gonna learn to be deaf sometimes~hahahas~emo-ing.dont be bother with me.treat me like a clown or treat...
pictures taken today~mummy and sister~hees~she's an idiot!YEAH! ...
what a crowded road~so messy~just like my mind.=D--------------------------------went out with mummy and sister to Novena.nice!! went SOL Mart. i like the place. and i went to this clothing shop. i like the style. i wanna buy that cap. gonna save up~and mummy bought me a magazine with SS501 on the cover. Syndrome Magazine~there is Super Junior - T, XING, Battle, etc. hees~ there's poster too!!! wootz!gonna go back to Novena soon to get my cap....
나친차게으른...end here!ciaos~ ...
feeling blue~sometimes, this kinda picture makes me feel better~refresh!=D ...
HAPPY BDAE TO~1706-Ninomiya Kazunari 二宮和也 (Arashi)-Kazama Shunsuke 風間俊介 (Junior)-Goseki Kôichi 五関晃一 (A.B.C)1806- FIONA!!may all your wishes come true!!!-----------------------------went CP to celebrate fiona's bdae. hahahas~ yea~ cold jokes!! i will upload the pictures soon.went home after that. this year Golden Melody Awards really a sad one. It says that the results was released before the ceremony started. and things like Zhang Hui Mei had already knew she was not winning the award at the beginning. and...
나는 너희 모두가 이것 같이 생각하는지 왜 모른다.모두는 아주 틀리게 보인다.나는 그래서 열심히 모두를 조립하기 위하여 시도했다, 그러나 우리는 모래의 헝겊 조각 같이 지금 이다.의 저는 무엇 해야 하는가 나 말하는가? ...
hellos everybody!!miss me? hahahas~oops!alright...friday, went out to meet rongyi. we went PS to buy things then back to CP to meet audrey. bought our things and i headed to erjie house. supposed to play mahjong but dajie fell asleep!! hahas~ played with anjing!! she's super active!! so cute ne~ after that, uncle drove us to my house to pick my family and headed to bedok. had dinner with the whole family!!! ALAF too!! dajie is...
第18屆金曲獎得獎名單:最佳年度歌曲獎:今天妳要嫁給我《太美麗》/伊世代娛樂股份有限公司最佳國語專輯獎:Wake Up/滾石國際音樂股份有限公司最佳台語專輯獎:真的假的!?/典選音樂事業股份有限公司最佳客語專輯獎:種樹/大大樹音樂圖像最佳原住民語專輯獎:美麗心民謠/參拾柒度製作有限公司最佳音樂錄影帶導演獎:馮德倫/天下大同《如果沒有你》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司最佳作曲人獎:吳青峰/小情歌《小宇宙》/林暐哲音樂社最佳作詞人獎:鍾永豐/種樹《種樹》/大大樹音樂圖像最佳編曲人獎:陳主惠/造字的人《黑暗之光》/新力博德曼音樂娛樂股份有限公司最佳專輯製作人獎:陳惠婷、許哲毓、林前源、林揮斌、許哲珮/我想你會變成這樣都是我害的/彎的音樂有限公司最佳單曲製作人獎:周杰倫/霍元甲《霍元甲》/阿爾發音樂股份有限公司最佳國語男歌手獎:李玖哲/Baby是我/麻吉娛樂經紀股份有限公司最佳台語男歌手獎:施文彬/真情味/大旗製作股份有限公司最佳國語女歌手獎:蔡依林/舞孃/科藝百代股份有限公司最佳台語女歌手獎:謝金燕/嗆聲/大旗製作股份有限公司最佳客語歌手獎:林生祥/種樹/大大樹音樂圖像最佳原住民語歌手獎:伊吉/原住民歌謠1/金欣唱片音樂帶影視企業有限公司最佳樂團獎:蘇打綠樂團/小宇宙/林暐哲音樂社最佳演唱組合獎:昊恩家家/Blue in love/角頭文化事業股份有限公司最佳新人獎:黃建為/Over the Way/風潮音樂國際股份有限公司演奏類最佳專輯獎:送你冬日藍/源動力文化發展事業有限公司演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎:陳建年/東清村3號/角頭文化事業股份有限公司觀眾票選最受歡迎男歌手獎:羅志祥觀眾票選最受歡迎女歌手獎:蔡依林------------------------------傑尼斯團體「NEWS」10月6、7日小巨蛋開唱 手越增田唱爆西門町傑尼斯人氣偶像團體「NEWS」10月真的要來台灣開唱!特別來台參加金曲獎的「手越增田」,於17日中午在西門町舉辦見面會,約1千5百名粉絲將現場擠的水洩不通,兩人除了狂秀中文並演唱三首歌曲,更宣佈「NEWS」於10月6、7日在台北小巨蛋開唱,終於讓粉絲們如願以償,另外大家還先替7月4日生日的增田貴久過生日,讓他相當感動。隸屬「NEWS」的手越祐也與增田貴久合組「手越增田」,本次應金曲獎之邀來台演出,還突然宣佈要舉辦見面會,且在傑尼斯中文官網上裝神秘,表示會有「重大事項宣佈」,不但讓粉絲們可以近距離看到兩位可愛的本尊,同時期待到底是什麼事情,結果兩人共同宣佈10月來台開唱的消息,現場瞬間陷入一陣瘋狂;在活動快結束時,現場粉絲突然合唱起生日快樂歌,先替7月4日生日的增田貴久慶生,他除了驚訝又感動,自己也唱了起來。「手越增田」本來只預定演唱他們的兩首單曲「味增湯」和「KISS~回家路上的情歌~」,在發表10月來台開唱的消息後,主持人吳建恆希望他們可以先唱唱NEWS的作品讓大家搶先聽,兩人配合的多唱「朝著星光前進」,粉絲更是三首歌都熱情大合唱,讓兩人相當感動,並表示沒想到來台可以受到如此歡迎,且覺得看到這麼多人在台下,讓他們覺得「很舒服」。由於這次來台沒有多餘時間可以觀光,在見面會的大布幔上便印了台北幾處知名觀光地點,吳建恆快速的帶他們瀏覽「台北101」、「國父紀念館」、「行天宮」以及「小籠包」和味增湯,手越祐也和增田貴久開心的在台上展現可愛的笑容,而兩人也極盡所學的秀中文,無論是「我愛妳(們)」、「很高興來到這裡」,聽的出真的有下過一番功夫,在辦完見面會後兩人便驅車趕往機場搭乘下午4時30分的華航CI106班機離台。SOURCE: YAHOO TAIWAN----------------------------- ...
FATHERS' DAY CELEBRATION!!!she said she's pretty~the adults!!siblings~ what's that stare?!!hahahas~that gal~hahahas~angela!!serious look! the 2 sis!okays~hi Sarah!!!yeahs!my parents!!!my uncle and aunt!!!talk talk!!ANYTHING! ...
photographer~gees~mine~hers!hmm.............warning!but...........end!tada~!! ...
hellos!!i have lots of pics to post.. so bear with it.. hehs!!not now but later~Super Junior so cute!! the way they speak chinese~ hahahas!!!dong hae still bring along with him a note. hahahas~ ...
yoyoyo!!good morning my dears!!gonna meet rongyi later to buy things. hehs~ that lazy audrey!!! hahahas~glad that GFs enjoyed themselves.. hahas!! finally, i can go out!! see the sky~ hahas!!night, meeting my family. YES!! YEAP FAMILY!! if u wonder and thought why Yeap not Yap. it's the same. cos my grandpa accidentally wrote wrongly when registrating my father's birth cert. hahas!! so my surename instead of YEAP, it became Yap. hahaas~ funny right? but no worries,...
isnt she cute??!!she's An Jing!!!hahahas~ she is trying to figure what am i doing. hees~-----------------------6th day at home.GFs are on the way to their class gathering. hahahas~gonna see some of them tmr.received rongyi's msg not long. hahas~ alright!! she replied.i have to get things done already.next week will be the last week of my holidays. ya!!! only 2 weeks.. WTH~ next week, i have lots of unconfirm dates. only one is confirm.stop here for a...
HAPPY BELATED BDAE TO~0806-Hwi Chan (Battle)1206-Nam Jin Hyun (XING)----------------------hellos!!!it's the 5th day that im staying at home already..hehs~ dont know whether to join leon and gang for steamboat. see first~friday, family maybe gonna celebrate father's day in advance. cos everyone will e busy working during weekends. soo~ hahas!!alright~ TegoMas and Super Junior are going Taiwan. so happy~ although not Singapore, but still happy. cos i can watch them live!! haahas~ ><end here first..BoA's entries are...
NEWS!!Cheon Sang Ji Hee to release Japan AlbumAlbum title: Juicy LoveRelease date: 2007/08/01Jaejoong will be singing a duet with the girls as one of the bonus track ^^They are planning to record a PV to be shown in the DVD.credits: towerrecords.co.jp + BZ + Cyxion Forums +TVXQ-INTERTranslation : KIM JUNFU @ tvxq-inter------------------------------上戶彩可能有台灣血統!? 吳建恆招架不住超可愛電力攻擊忙錄的日本甜心美少女上戶彩竟然有台灣血統!本月初「MTV台日韓音樂瘋」主持人吳建恆前往赴日專訪上戶彩,不但秀出因為拍戲而練就的標準中文,還透露自己沒見過的外公好像以前住在台灣,讓吳建恆與工作人員都嚇一跳,上戶彩說很想來台灣走走和品嘗美食。多年來因為工作行程滿檔,上戶彩一直沒有接受過台灣媒體的訪問,日前終於首次接受MTV台「日韓音樂瘋」節目專訪,一見到來自台灣的採訪小組上戶彩就馬上說了一大串自己會的中文,還對吳建恆說:「你是我的好朋友」,讓吳建恆甜的都快飛起來,上戶彩在訪問結束後,聊到自己未曾謀面的外公以前好像曾住在台灣,讓本來已經在收拾的採訪小組趕緊再開機,而上戶彩也很配合的對著鏡頭又講了一次這個驚人的消息,上戶彩可愛的專訪畫面也將分別在13日與18日晚上7點的MTV台「日韓音樂瘋」播出,各位粉絲千萬別錯過這電力強大的訪問喔。-----------------------------日人氣樂團「彩虹」8月起拼六連發 成軍16年新挑戰日本人氣搖滾樂團「彩虹」一發不可收拾!在上月底終於推出今年首張單曲「第七號天堂」的彩虹,11日宣布將從8月29日起,連續五個月發行包括單曲、專輯以及DVD在內的六張作品,將是他們成軍16年來的最大挑戰。久違的巡迴演唱會正式起跑,而彩虹也宣佈這個令樂迷振奮的消息,從8月29日新單曲「MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM」開始,9月為去年東京巨蛋演唱會DVD、10月新單曲、11月新單曲加新專輯、12月音樂錄影帶DVD,要讓日本樂壇下半年都能感受彩虹的威力。主唱hyde在首場於神奈川橫須賀市的演唱會上說:「我們一直都在錄音,所以有非常多新歌」,也因此在當天的21首歌裡面新曲就佔了9首,讓樂迷聽的超過癮,這同時也是他們睽違9年再度舉辦中型室內演唱會,為的就是要拉近與樂迷間的距離。彩虹的最新單曲「SEVENTH HEAVEN 第七號天堂」台灣SONYBMG已經上市。----------------------「Super Junior」周五訪台 展開42小時襲台行程韓國13人組男子團體「Super Junior」將於周五(15日)下午2時35分搭乘華航CI161班機抵台,通關之後直奔小巨蛋記者會現場,記者會結束後隨即彩排,第2天則無任何通告全力準備金曲獎,之後將參加星光大道、頒獎典禮,並於周日(17日)上午8時15分搭乘華航CI160班機離台。華人地區的歌迷們早已各自展開緊急追星計畫。不僅動員齊下的後援會會員出資、出力,她們還自己設計、製作所有的追星行頭,如:氣球、扇子、手牌、T恤…等等,除了表達對他們的支持熱誠外,也希望能區分出不同後援會的搶大組織動員力。其中還有歌迷朋友自己練習所拍攝他們的歌舞,想在他們來台時親自送給他們。此外,許多支持東方神起的歌迷朋友也愛屋及烏地加入了追星行列,讓Super Junior人未到,但消息即傳遍了許多歌迷互動網站與部落格,其中甚至還有媽媽帶著女兒一起追星的Super Junior迷母女檔!由於這次Super Junior來台時間純為金曲盛會而來,且停留時間只有42小時。因此,所有的工作人員皆小心翼翼地安排他們所有行程,看似單純的行程卻因團員與歌迷的眾多而升高難度,跳戰性高、壓力也大到甚至還有工作人員半夜三更睡覺夢到Super Junior的工作證出了問題,竟然人在機場卻進不了關的怪夢,真不失為SJ來台拉警報後遺症典型症狀.---------------------------Super Junior紀念首次登「台」 發行特別版單曲韓國13組男子團體「Super Junior」11名成員將浩浩蕩蕩出席周六舉行的第18屆金曲獎頒獎典禮,頒獎典禮上,他們將演唱歌曲《Miracle》和《U》,並擔任「最佳組合獎」頒獎嘉賓。為紀念他們首次登「台」,15日將在台發行單曲《U》特別版,專輯中收錄歌曲《U》中文版和韓文版《U》、《Dancing Out》DVD,及歌曲《U》的MV花絮等,專輯封面則由未公開的新寫真來重新打造,裡面還收藏了成員們寫給台灣粉絲的短信和親筆簽名。Super Junior成員利特、奎賢4月出車禍傷勢仍未痊癒,希撤則因趕拍新劇《黃金新娘》,3人不克同行,13位團員原定10人來台,但利特不顧醫生勸阻,執意來台會歌迷。----------------------------音樂人十大單曲 周董獲獎音樂人交流協會主辦的十大專輯獎,11日舉行頒獎典禮,小天王周杰倫同時獲得最佳專輯跟最佳單曲,他笑說,他唱「菊花台」的時候,刻意唱的字正腔圓,搞不好就是這回拿下單曲獎項的最主要原因。周杰倫開心的捧著手上兩個獎項,分別是「依舊范特西」的最佳專輯,以及「菊花台」的最佳單曲獎,讓周杰倫遺珠之憾的是,跟費玉清合唱的「千里之外」,竟然敗給自己的菊花台。2008年春節即將上映的電影「灌籃」,才剛剛做完宣傳,不過今年7月份,周杰倫首度執導的電影「不能說的秘密」,才真的是要上檔,還會跟哈利波特等大片硬碰硬、搶票房。到底小天王周杰倫的導演處女作,能不能像唱片一樣,口碑票房兩頭開紅盤?今年暑假,答案就會揭曉。(民視新聞徐承群、黃信儒台北報導)--------------------------金曲獎周六登場 陶晶瑩將率星光幫走星光大道一年一度的音樂盛事金曲獎將在這個星期六舉行頒獎典禮,雖然傳小天王周杰倫不出席,讓星光黯淡不少,但是金曲獎主持人陶晶瑩則宣布,將率領最近爆紅的星光幫一起走星光大道,而且連日前才退出比賽的楊宗緯也會在其中;再度引發媒體話題。(李書璇報導)金曲獎將在本週六登場,本屆有哪些星光參加,除了小天王周杰倫表示因為要到中國大陸參加電影節活動無法參加金曲,而他的前後兩位緋聞女友侯佩岑和蔡依林將在金曲獎上碰頭,金曲獎主持人陶晶瑩更宣布她將會在頒獎典禮當天和最近話題不斷的"星光幫"一起走星光大道,還驚爆最近爆紅卻爆發少報年齡事件的楊宗緯也在安排中,她說因為這是名副其實的『星光』大道,星光幫小朋友覺得是個盛會,很想來看看大明星。另外被視為金曲獎風向球的中華音樂人交流協會年度十大專輯及十大單曲得獎名單也出爐,年度十大專輯歌手與專輯不分名次分別是:MCHot Dog「Wake...
어디 좀 가고 싶어요~나 집에 싫어!!!!! ...
good afternoon~here to crap and gonna do my homework. hehs~ yep! have to be discipline now. mummy and sis goin out soon.. so i will be alone at home. i like it~ dont know why~ dont feel like having a lot people at home today. hahas~ im weird. faster Saturday!! my Super Junior and TegoMas!!!! next week maybe going malaysia for shopping!! hope so~ i want to shop SHOP!!! i miss GFs.. can you gals...
hellos!!life has been boring for me.. rah~ hahas!!i have not gone out for 3 days!!! i think tomorrow will be tha same. if any one of you, knows which part of Singapore exclude orchard, bugis, those famous places.. is a nice place to shop.. pls leave a comment.. hahhas~ sick of those places. bleahs~*singing to KAT-TUN's Signal*what's going on~.........love from su-a ...
세계脱出はよい事であるかもしれない。ライトのちょうど薄暗いのの部屋で締められる。すべてはようである従って弱めた~-------------------------도주는 좋은 것 이.위로 빛의 다만 희미한 것에 방안에 잠근.모두는 보이고 그래서 우울하게 했다~ 안녕~ byebye~ ...
had my hair cut.. or should be trim. hahahs~ new fringe.. hahas!!went out for breakfast with family. finally, i get to see xianfei and an jing. heard that uncle had a new car.. everyone sat except sis and me. hahahas~ it was a family car. cool~ i asked mummy to ask uncle whether he can drive me to school.. of course it is a joke lars. he has to wake up early to report to...
Guhp Jaeng Eehyoo (Coward)dae pohn gah deuk dahm geen nuhn jee geum nuhn dah shee yuh ruh bwahwae ee ruhn guhl kkah nuhl mahn nahl ddae mah dah choh joh hae jyuhsoom ee mahk hyuh wah jung mahl nuhl joh ah hah nah bwahnuh moo doh sarang seu ruhn geu dae mahn nah ruh gah neun geel.. (WOO!)boh goh sheep eun deh nuh moo boh goh sheep eun dehmahl hah jee moht hah neun bah...
good afternoon everyone!!just finish doing math TYS 2005. hehs~ gonna start on my homework already. no going out today. firstly, i have no mood to go shop. secondly, i feel like doing my homework. hahas~ oh gosh~ did the sun rise up the wrong way?? prelim is actually very near.. days are passing faster and faster. next semester, i have to prepare for my prelim n olvl. and and!! i know prelims will be harder...
hellos!! back to blog!!okays~ thanks felicia for reminding me to do POA homework but im lazy to touch it. hahas~ let me copy tmr?? hahahas~same, went to school for lesson today. but quite a short day for me. math lesson, spend 2 hrs doing TYS.. clear doubts!! hees~ oh ya~ i changed my shoe with peggie's...hahahs~ made me looks like a fishmonger. hahas~ went out to the coffee shop for breakfast with GFs. after that,...
NEWS!!SS501 Photobook, 8th JUNE on sale!Idol group SS501’s official photobook will be on sale on the 8th throughout Asia.This photobook of SS501 is filled fully with about 100 photos of the member’s diversed charm, and will also include a VCD of the making of, member’s postcard set, sticker, etc. as bonus.The producer of this photobook is ㈜ Astin Entertainment (Representative, Seo WoonYoung), who revealed that the selling price would be comparable to DongBangShinGi, Son HoYoung...
HAPPY BDAE TO~0206QIAOLI0406- Akiyama Jun (Music Academy)- MICKY YOO CHUN!! (DBSG)0606KIM HYUN JOONG!!! (SS501)-----------------------------------came back early today.. hees~ cab with leon and felicia when goin to school today.. hahahas~ the same when going home with huixin. hahas~ during break time, went out to eat with liping cos onli the 2 of us came to school today. hahas~ tmr leaving school to national library after break...end here... bye~ ...
hellos!!here to blog...actually, not in the mood lars.. hahas~school everyday.. this week will be the last but i have to do my homework. siian~ today suppose to join my clas for bbq but didnt. feel so bad right now~ im sry!! thanks sarah and her mum for helping us with everything!! =D mixed feelings~ rahh!! well, humans do think much at times.. agree? but im sure i gonna be alright very fast. no one to...
NEWS!!TVXQ, Super Junior, CSJH The Grace, Kangta, Jang Riin and other SM artists will all perform for SM Town's Seoul Summer Concert.Investing in Korea's largest video preparation, the whole place will be filled with screens showing the stage.A bigger scale is that this music festival used up more than 400 LEDs (light) while other concerts for other singers only require around 150.Using V-DOSC as their sound system, audiences will be able to hear the best...
KBOX!!blah~.....liping!!!hahas~ she was forced.rongyi like it alot..hees~......singer of the day!!cold~msging~yeah!rongyi, the singerhellos!!caught eating!hahahas~i told u, she like it!she too...wad the......their idolsend!------------------------------Yesterday's outing!!hahahs~trying~i dont know what is she doing~friends~hehes!yeahs!they said she's zibi~shooting Hai You Ming Tian..hahas~the gals~3 of us.............hello!hmm...samuel playing~dont learn~hahahs~best frens since sec 2......end!!--------------------------------i will come back with news update later...happy outings!!!although we din take group photo as some of u want.. but there's still chance.. hahahas~ ...
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