
by - Tuesday, October 03, 2006

loss of words..nvm~shant say anything anymore..=]

darn~to dat fuking idiot hu stole my calculator!!! u are in a bad luck now!! reason: u stole my calculator when friday is the paper!! if i noe hu are u, i will skin u alive!! understand, bastard?!!

shall update in details tmr if i have the time!!
as fer now, i shall not care abt anything. study!!
i onli said wad i feel and tink..sometimes, it's gud fer u to listen to pple's opinion and reflect. i mean no harm, u understand? im nt out to harm u at all. jus telling my truth... yups.

damn~quite fed-up this few daes. i have split personality lars!! asshole~rahhh!!! tired!! nt enough of sleep. bla bla bla~end here!!

good luck to all once again!!

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