
by - Monday, October 02, 2006

back frm study! hahahas~we did study at the same time joking!! hahahas!!

met sinmei, peggie and audrey at rivervale plaza to study. forced rongyi dat lazy bum to cum too. her bro came along and cousin came lata. we saw brandon and boen den ssm.hahahas~ sinmei and i went kfc to study cos dere was a long sofa fer us. the rest doesnt want.. peggie and audrey left den. rongyi moved to sit with us. ssm came~so funny lars.hahahas~jacky chan!! hahahas!! soon, brandon, boen and of cos ssm joined us. boen's 'I am a stupid boy x100'. hahahas~dey left aft dat. we continued our study. den rongyi went fer her dinner..came back. start to play. WTH~ dey shot me. i will post the pics other day.. lazy rite nw. den video!! hahahas!! kuso!! hahahas~we oso watched the vid on sinmei's sis.. so funny~the breakdance part!! hahahas~

YOU- im sorry to make u break dwn.. but i really mean no harm. hope u understand. u are rite, i dn noe u well. but u shld try to take things easily so ur life will nt be so miserable.. dat's all!! =]
last time, i used to tink dat my life was miserable..dat i did many silly acts. aft dat, i came to know more. i felt shameful of myself. i take things easily too. with my temper, most of frens dn like it. i tried to change..now im a crazy gal in everyones' eyes. at least, i feel good. learn to take things easily, learn to give in, learn to laugh out, learn to believe, learn to listen. till now, i still do have wrongs in my personality. dats me. trully me.

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