
Monday, October 30, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
WTH~!!!!!!!i dont noe which fuking damn idiot actually wrote my e-mail add at a bus-stop!!!! better watch out!! if i ever noe who is it, i will let you die in front of me. i mean wad i say!!! becareful!! curse you have bad luck forver in ur life!!! everything u do will go dwn the drain, wash away by human's urine!!! bloody hell~i am so angry rite now!! it's so sickening alrite. wad's so...

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Monday, October 30, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hello!! just came back from shopping!!! hahhas~mummy and daddy brought me to the temple to slove my problem. i get it!!! no matter what obstacles i will meet, i will determine myself. next year, i will work very hard for my O level. after that, went to Vivocity!!! hooray~ first stop, Candy Empire!!! so nice of mummy she actually allowed me to buy 2 packs of chocolates. daddy bought biscuit from Germany. hahahas~ i wanna...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
met sabrina @ CP. went to marina sq..walked around. then headed to esplanade. ate ice-cream!! hagen daz!! yummy!! love it man!! hahahas!!! sab brought me to the library. omg~ i could find peace dere!!! wonderful place fer study and quiet.. went home quite early. we ate alot lars.. so full!!! hahahs~ rmb~holiday is when i get fat!! hahahs~okays~ i shall shoot myself now. i am making GFs worrying abt me. sorry~ really sorry~ im alrite...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hi!! im sorry for not updating yesterday.i woke up early today. feeling low. shant say it out. i really wanna cry. but pple will tink i am attracting attention. hope GFs see this. i might not staying over the chalet. i felt left out these few days. nono~ ever since my exams are over. maybe you all shld enjot urself bahs. im no longer in that clique anymore. i dont wan to spoil anyone's mood....

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Saturday, October 28, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
NEW SKIN!!!the cartoons are DBSG!! hehs~ sorry fer waiting fer my skin. hehs~ background music.. Jang Woo Hyuk's 2nd Album.. Sunny..feat J. i tink the gal who sang GOONG's song. Perhaps Love. hahahas~enjoy!! ...

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Saturday, October 28, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
sorry~ lazy to blog last nite.ytd.not my last day in sch..i have 2 more weeks. blehs~ and tha time-table..hate it!! have to face that lady..rahh!!went bugis after sch..and before that, i learnt a new game. it's a fun and hilarious game alrite?? hahahas~ 007!! jac and i were laughing out loud everytime.hahas~tday.stayed at home. goin to er jie's hse fer dinner..alrite.. readers, i may be a little moody these few daes. bear with me kies....

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Thursday, October 26, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hey hey!!din attend sch tday. hehs~ was woken up by rongyi's msg. have a feeling dat my class will be in trouble tmr. hais~ spent my day at home. watched KO One...i left with the last episode. so excited!! im so in love with yu zhe now!! <33>dn noe why, i feel very okay after exams. im able to let things go easily but sometimes easily irritated by minor things. cant figure why too, so...

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
good afternoon!!selamat hari raya!!hahahs~终极一班 is going to film another series called 终极一家. cast will be the original cast.. means fahrenheit and tang yu zhe!! hahahas~ cant wait fer dat show. and also hua yang shao nan nu is going to be air in the mid-nov. fahrenheit, tang yu zhe and ella will be in it!! hehs!!oh ya, ytd i dreamt of my love!! *scream* we went shopping together, holding each other hands. oh my~ so...

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
我来了!!!PE, played captain ball. FUN!! POA, going thru corrections. ENG, do worksheet and late fer recess. #%@&^*% my GFs!!! hahahas~ maths, slept fer half an hour. was released sch at 1230. whao~ find GFs. chatting ard~ alfred .... OOPS! i cant say it out. hahahahas~ so funny lars alfred!! went home with rongyi and peggie.-----------------------------------------------dear peggie, i noe something is troubling u. but i hope u can solve it and smile more. if u nid...

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Monday, October 23, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
fahrenheit's song!!爱到!! ...

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Monday, October 23, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
im so bored!!!wad to do now??oh my, lei ke si is cuming out again in the next few episode of KO One. hehs~okiies... i dn noe wad to say alr..end here?hais~ wonder sch tmr is it fun? sch nwadays so sians. bored to death!!! urghh~ ...

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Sunday, October 22, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
back!hehs~went to meet yehao, jianwei and kampong at Bugis first. saw my cousin..we headed to Cineleisure. walked ard finding kampong's bag. he searched fer it fer 1yr+.. hahahas~ met wilson, renyi, jon, ssm and ryan at Pacific Plaza..walk again. back to kovan.. had dinner dere. visited the arcade..i din play..i watched dem..LOLS!! home sweet home. gonna slp late today.. play audition, i haven touch it fer a long time. den watch KO One.. make my...

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Sunday, October 22, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hi!!waiting fer ssm's call.. dey went to dye their hair and i tink it will take sometime lars..rite? so watching fahrenheit's vids. love their song '爱到'.. nice and sweet melody. hehs~ end here lars.. nth to write.. blog more tonite!! =D ...

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Saturday, October 21, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!!spent half day in sch chatting.LOLS~ gals have never lasting topics to tok about. we chatted lotsa things.recess, with GFs. went library, sat dwn chatting..sab and i were tokin abt KO One..and rongyi dat gal, she was playing with Chip and hmm...nt nice to say it out. wahahaha~ went hto the hall with sok loon. she told me a few lame jokes! saw mr singh..hahahas! after sch, went home. now sitting dwn and watch KO...

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Friday, October 20, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
okiies!! i wan to intro u guys... my list ranking 2..唐禹哲isnt he cute?? i have another rank 2..will post his pic other days okie?? hees~KO One!!DBSG..rank 1!!! hehs~yunho~ get well soon!! =Dpls credit if u want to take the pics:http://photo.163.com/photos/optionlove/ ...

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Friday, October 20, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hohoho~know my results alr...i fail POA. hahahas~i din really put much effort on this..dats why it's normal to fail..hehs! omg~ my GFs is back to sch..i miss dem so much. spent my whole day checking papers in sch. hmm... althou i din hit the target i wan but at least it's beta than my mid-yr. mummy look quite satisfied with my results. dont know wad will daddy say..hees!! gonna find a job.. unsure whether daddy's...

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Thursday, October 19, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
oh gosh!! im in love with fahrenhiet's Yan Ya Lun this week. all becos of KO One lars.hahahas~ kept watching this drama. i wonder wad happen to Lei Ke Si now. and whose dat gal in Ding Xiao Yu's heart. so eager to noe..hahahas~ and KO 9 is Xiao Gui..the guy hu host Yu Le Bai Fen Bai with Alan Luo. hahahas~ kies lars..stop my crap.. blog lata... oh gosh!! im in love with fahrenhiet's...

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!went to meet rongyi, sab, peg, audrey, liping and michelle @ CP. had pizza hut. we joke ard too. aft dat, walk ard CP. den sab, audrey, liping and michelle left. so rongyi, peg and i continue to walk ard...went kiddy palace. i bought myself a mickey mouse mug!! mummy of cos nagged at me but it's mickey mouse..u see~hahahas!! went home den...wth~my internet connection is so laggy lars!!! i want to watch my KO...

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY BDAE TO RONGYI~!!<33MAY UR WISHES CUM TRUE!!!yups.im jus back nt long. met erjie at CP.walk to her hse..xianfei was in a bad mood tday. hahahs~he accidentally hit his sister, an jing cried. so sad~ thankies erjie fer hlping me. =) aft dat, went to look fer ssm and wilson. chatted awhile and walked home. hees..end here!! im goin to watch my drama!! ...

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!!back frm sch!! tmr and wed no sch!!gonna rest and play! of cos watch my 终极一班..haha~omg!! sch tday was veh veh super duper BORING!!! the als in my class should noe veh well.hahahas~ all the talks..argghh~ driving me crazy!!! lucky mr singh cancelled his lesson with us tday so we went home at 130. reached home, switch on my notebk and start watching 终极一班..hees~ oh my~ it's getting more n more exciting alr~ ahh!!! althou...

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Sunday, October 15, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
went to er jie's hse jus nw. once i reached, xian fei shouted 'jiejie!! u noe i miss you lehs!!' hahahas~omg!! my baby is so cute.an jing was changing..she noes how to wave and pull pple's hair alr..hahahas!! after dat, left to meet rongyi at rivervale plaza. xianfei wanted to follow me but i dn allow.ahahas~ate at mac.so coincidence, saw my sis and desmond kor kor. hahahas~went home after eating.ahh~im into taiwan drama KO One,...

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Sunday, October 15, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
alrite..i have lotsa pics to post. bear with me..hahahas~STUDY DAYS--------------------------------------------------Mid-Autumnrongyishe againaudrey!!who is she?sinmei!!the lanterns!dots.who's dat?ta la~is rongyi!!nice hat!hellos!burnt lantern~hie!!the hat again!!floor with fire!!at last, a whole. ...

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Saturday, October 14, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
yups.here again..finally found Ya Shim Man Man on youtube..hehes!! DBSG!!! exams are over, now i have lotsa time with my DBSG!! tmr's plan?? tink gonna rot at home..GFs have no program with me..=( hahahas~i miss some of dem but i onli get to see dem on thur. aww~ sad!ive found a pic fer my new skin. makin tables..hahahas~ Ya Shim Man Man is so funny..esp kang ho dong.hahahas~kangta was in oso. dey were toking abt...

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Saturday, October 14, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!im so sleepy tday. had my veh last paper tis morning. dat is Chinese Listening.i missed the 1st passage..hahahs! i was wandering off elsewhere..luckily, it repeats.hahaahs~aft dat, went to eat with sarah..chit chat with sarah and frens..hahahas!! back to class..so sian!! shant write abt sch animore.hahahas!! nth happened.im finding pics fer my new skin. im nt doing the picture myself this mth..lazy!! hahahas~sorry. but fer the table and rest, i will create beta one..hahahas!!blog lata......

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Friday, October 13, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
HOORAY!!!EXAMS ARE OVER!!!it means dat another year is passing soon also. hehs~yups.tday paper was okay. POA, i cant balance my last question. chem, i can do it. jus hope result will nt be so disappointing. aft my paper, went home. shower and change, went to meet rongyi,fiona and sin mei. we went Vivocity!! goin dere again in dec. nice place!!! aft shopping ard dere, went chinatown. bought some beads and asked sinmei to help me...

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Thursday, October 12, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
im back! hahahas~hmm...actually didnt really study much.hehs~ but i will try my best fer the last paper!! hees!! ying is chionging GOONG now. hahahas!! i told u all b4..it's a nice drama!!! hahahas~ okays.stop my craps now. turning off soon. im so tired. after tmr, i will get alot of rest. regain my energy!! hahahas!!! yeps. after exams, i will also start making new skins. so pls be patient and stare more at my mickey!!...

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Thursday, October 12, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
finally, tmr is the last day of my exams. actually shld be fri but listneing compre...jus have to listen carefully..hhahaas~ SS, i tink i can pass but just pass. Maths paper 1, i dn wan to tink so much. hahahas~hope everything goes well fer me. tmr, meeting some of my GFs. yeah!!!stop here! ...

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hi all!ate medicine before going sch tday. i have a severe stomach pain and i dn tink ive ate anything wrong. mummy said cos i was stressed this few daes. dn noe~hahahas! i studied geog veh hard ytd and even cried. wth~i hope everything pays off. geog paper tday was manageable. POA, was okay. except i cant balance.hahahas~ went home den. gonna start on my SS. 2 more days~ fast? dn noe...oh no~so hurting u...

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!! im back frm sch!!english paper2..i tink it's quite difficult.passage 2 is a little easy. aft break, physics paper. i wanna kiss mr tee lars!!! hahahahas~almost everything i studied came out. i hope i can pass my physics this time. hope i can prove to mrs raj.hahahas~ so nice of rongyi to wait fer me after her last paper. haha!! finally GFs can relax..lols! left me..:/ geog tmr!! gonna study hard fer it. GFs wait...

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Monday, October 09, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
heyheyhey!!!how's everyone tday?stress with exams?? relaxing cos exams are goin to end??hahahas~ well, im in the 1st one.okies..ive got the pics but i dn wanna waste my time uploading 1st..sorry readers~i have to study..maybe tmr? after my papers when i cum home? alrite, this week gonna be a tough week fer me. all the papers!! ahhh!!! im scared!!! but after thur, i will be free. i will isolate my notes, my books!! hahahas~and i will...

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Monday, October 09, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
NEWS1) Rain Vows to Take the World by StormIt looks like at any moment the pink T-shirt holding in his bulging muscles will be able to contain him no more: shoulders that look as if they have spread another 10 cm in the last year from a new and deeper confidence in his words and ways. K-Pop's brightest star Rain, who will kick off a world tour at a release event for his fourth album...

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Sunday, October 08, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
back! will update news tmr~MOON CAKE FESTIVAL!!!met peggie, rongyi and her brother at Rivervale plaza fer dinner. sinmei joined us lata~went peg's hse awhile.den find rongyi and audrey came.proceeded to the park. started playing with candles and lantern. soon we start to played woth fireworks and try to throw up to the tree.hahahas~ took silly pics..hahahas!!! upload once i get it!! hahahas~----------------------------------------------------studied physics the whole of tday. i still have a week more to go....

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Saturday, October 07, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
hello!!hais~stil, disappointed.broke dwn ytd while studying maths. hahahas~tday, EL paper 1..hmm, okies okiies..hahahas!! hope i will pass. MAths!! hais!!! i tink it's difficult. i almost cried when doing. WTH~ i cant finish on time. damn~gonna fail!!! say bye bye to another paper!! jus the 2nd day, another disappointment. how shld i carry on like this..i have a week more. hais~ doom! god bless me pls!! ...

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Friday, October 06, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
i've just read a stiry from some 15 year old kids. i read one on "A Hole In My Heart". omg~ i wanna cry after reading it.it's so touching..good essay~ hahahas!! why am i reading this, it is to prepare fer my english paper 1 tmr..hahahas!! i've just read a stiry from some 15 year old kids. i read one on "A Hole In My Heart". omg~ i wanna cry after reading it.it's so touching..good...

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Friday, October 06, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
DIE!!!1st paper tday. gonna fail chinese this time!! hais~stared at the question paper fer 5 mins b4 starting. i have no idea wad im writing. lack of ideas~paper was difficult. hais~1st paper made me lose half confident fer the rest of my papers. how am i to continue? give up? nono~ive come so far, shouldnt give up. i failed my physic CA. becos of the last test. feeling low now. i tink im no longer...

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Thursday, October 05, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
yo back frm sch!! gonna study lata~tmr is the day!! nervous. hope i hit my target.went fer early recess tday.hahahas~ so kind of mrs tan.end here!!bye! ...

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
ohh~just finished my revision! tired~blehs!!!1 more day. omg~i told my gfs nt to be nervous yet im feeling nervous now..WTH~hahahas!!bye now~turn in soon.DBSG on X-Man..ive watched!! ...

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
loss of words..nvm~shant say anything anymore..=]darn~to dat fuking idiot hu stole my calculator!!! u are in a bad luck now!! reason: u stole my calculator when friday is the paper!! if i noe hu are u, i will skin u alive!! understand, bastard?!!shall update in details tmr if i have the time!!as fer now, i shall not care abt anything. study!!i onli said wad i feel and tink..sometimes, it's gud fer u to listen to...

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Monday, October 02, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
back frm study! hahahas~we did study at the same time joking!! hahahas!!met sinmei, peggie and audrey at rivervale plaza to study. forced rongyi dat lazy bum to cum too. her bro came along and cousin came lata. we saw brandon and boen den ssm.hahahas~ sinmei and i went kfc to study cos dere was a long sofa fer us. the rest doesnt want.. peggie and audrey left den. rongyi moved to sit with us. ssm...

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Sunday, October 01, 2006 / BY hseolahcc
here with updates!!NEWS!-> Kan Mi-youn, a former member of the female dance group Babyvox, has returned to the singing stage as a solo artist with her album “Refreshing.” The new album features various genres of music, with the ballad “My Ex-Girlfriend” composed by Bang Shi-hyeok as its title song.“I have always liked ballad songs more than dance songs. Whenever I go to a karaoke, I sing ballad songs,” Kan said. She also talked about how...

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