
x MDP Clearance Sales x // Random Updates

by - Sunday, September 08, 2013

MDP (Maison de Posh) is into their 3rd Collection soon. And right now they are having a clearance sales from previous collection. Most items are at limited stocks and they are not doing any back orders once it is sold out.

So quickly grab them before they are OOS! 
Nevertheless, their e-vouchers are still available. 
How to get it:
1. Simply spend a min. of SGD40.
So easy right? You may combine order with your friends! 
Not sure when this promo will cease. So hurry up dont stop!!! 


Back to my random updates.
Everything is normal for me. Except some occasionally being emotional. And start drifting from humans-sign. hahha! Everything is fine for me. Nothing very interesting has yet to surprise me or make my life any changes.

Out with my favourite group of people on different dates. Very happy to have brunch with my classmates. If everyone could make it even better! Miss them so so much! Even though i see 2 of them EVERYDAY! hahhaa!

Of course hitting MINK for the first time with Jane, Huiyi & Han Chong. Of course with their friends!!! I even form a group Peace & Harmony with their friends. LOLS! Just so cray cray! hahaha! I honestly laughed till stomach pain that night. Not forgetting the long time no see MIYA!!! Cheer up okay~~ ;)

I also meet up with Jasmine & YY for dinner. So happened it clashed with the date that stewardess Shimei wants to meet. Sorry~ better meet up when u have off day again!

 < Koh Grill & Sushi > w le sis !

 < Fossil > First watch for myself !

 < Ng Ah Sio Bak Kut Teh >

 < L.I.C.K >

< LACEY TUNIC DRESS > Upcoming piece from MDP. Yes, who say u cannot wear dress as a Top? 

Done with my random updates! Welcoming the Monday blues again!
No exercise tomorrow meaning I need to work out. Weight not very good. I am not happy!

AND! Im going crazy with the NYFW! Fyi, it means New York Fashion Week.
So u know what's up for the upcoming post! hahaha! 


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