
x AH DOM'S 21ST x

by - Sunday, September 22, 2013


Sorry for the lack of updates and many many random posts.
Have been working and working lately. Rush for launch and uploads. Sigh~ and now! Im sick. Having sore throat and slight flu. Also, headache. Wasted my weekends at home. But I feel great because Ive get to rest :)

Alright.. some very long updates. This post is gonna be draggy. I mean lengthy. Super~~ dont say never warn. LOLS!

Celebrated our Ah Dom's birthday! Happy 21st to you! This ah dom is like a sister and brother to us. Sister to the girls, brother to the boys. We met at some place (I forget the name) for pizza! Thanks to Tinghuan's recommendation. 50inch pizza! AND it's very very delicious! LOLS! If you like thin pizza lars~~

We met a very interesting and funny incident while find parking. Shant elaborate. But please drive safely to my friends who are driving. Seriously~~~ hahaha!

Amazed by the huge pizza >.<

Afterwhich, we went to Cash Studio for singing session. I think it's more of screaming session. Surprised Ah Dom with a mooncake. We used to celebrate his birthday with mooncake as birthday cake. LOLS! But of course, this time is just a fake one. 

And! It's a memorable one because we finally had everyone come together. Ah Dom~~ your birthday really big shot! Can't wait for the ORD trip. Dont care wherever~~ we will just rock that place! This trip ah dom u better come with us!!!! Everyone in this picture except you, went taiwan hoh! TSK! hahaha!

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