
Who You ?

by - Wednesday, September 04, 2013

How is your week so far?
If you are like me, already used up 97% of your energy, HANG ON!! 2 more days before we scream TGIF and sleep your weekends off!

I have a few updates to be up like maybe this weekend? hahaha! Im too tired to do anything when Im home this week. Dark circles getting worse. Woke up everyday with my eyes suffering from water retention. Shag max.

Recently, I got a few questions around.
1. WOW! CC so rich eh? Lady boss now.
2. You become a christian?!
3. Did you slim down!?

For this post, please please let me address this 2 questions that I feel very annoyed with lately. Kind of let me rant lars uh~~ ahhaha!

1. Im not from a rich family. My family is average but we are contented with what with have. To be true. I have a shelter, my own room. Supportive family members, fashionable parents, playful but lovable sister. Dont you think it's already enough? Rich? Sorry uh~~ owning a blogshop does not mean IM R.I.C.H! Just something I like to do. That's it.

2. Just because lately I have post a few quotes? And it happened to be abstracted from the holy bible. I mean I just find it meaningful and somehow applicable to what I am feeling at that moment. So I wanna share with people. Like that also kena judge? WOW~ Life is so difficult man. My family is a taoist. But I believe in what I believe. Free-thinker. Yes. That answer your question?

3. Eh.. my weight fluctuates from 42kg - 44kg.Right now is 44kg. I know a lot of girls want to strangle me to death now or stuff xiao long bao in my mouth now. BUT! Considering the fact Im freaking a shorty. 44kg is just nice okay!?!? hahaha! If I am 160cm and above, weighing 44kg. Then please blow me away. ahahha! BUT IM NOT!. No slim no fat! U ask me what I eat? hmm... i eat what people eat. After working, Ive been having breakfast, lunch and dinner. Of course tea break in between. So! I think I gain weight lohs! ahahaha!

The last question still not that irritating. The first 2 questions is like abit ''WTH~ childish lehs!''
YES! ME have no time to be childish. So get your facts right.

Im heading to bed now! G'night!!!

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